Part 1:Secretary for hiring!

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Hey guys this is my heejaywon story! There may be an entire series with the other ships but that's only if you guys want it. But anyways let's start the story!

Story starts here

"Ooh tell me babe tell me how you like it babe I don't even know yo-" The alarm ringtone was cut off by a small hand emerging from the blanket.

The door to the dark room opened up when a tall man walked in.

"Seongie it's time to wake up." Jongseong's older brother Junhui had pulled the blanket off of the little body.

"Hyungggg jayjay wan sleep mo pwease" Jay said as he tried to pulled the cover back over his head only to be pulled into a tight hug.

"No jayjay has work today and you have to find another secretary because Ms.Jung resigned."

"Noona gowne!?!" Jongseong got out of his brothers arms and pouted while Junhui helped him get dressed.

"Yes she is getting older and told you to find a secretary soon because she would be leaving."
Jay thought hard and suddenly remembered
"Ah! She say dat I have to be big boy and find someone to help jayjay with work now." Jay teared up "But jayjay don wan find different person jayjay need help. Huihui help jayjay pwease?" Jay said with puppy eyes.

"Sorry Seongie I'm busy right now but Sunghoon and Sunoo could help you! Try asking them at breakfast okay?" "Okie Hyungie now help jayjay get dressed please I wan wear my suit pwease!"

Breakfast time
Junhui was helping Jongseong eat because he was having trouble. When Their younger brothers walked in.

"Hewwo hoonie! Hewwo ddeonu!" A happy Seongie said.

"Aww is Jongseong a little right now?" Sunoo asked after seeing his hyung being fed by his oldest hyung.

Junhui nodded while Jongseong squealed as Sunghoon had poked him. "Hoonie no poke jayjay!"

Sunghoon smiled and tickled Jay making him giggle so cutely and it brought a smile to everyone's face.

"Oh Hoonie! Ddeonu! Can you help jayjay wif secretary pweaseeee" Jay begged and Sunghoon nodded while Sunoo cooed at how cute Jay was being.

"Seongie needs to be an adult now will you be okay with that?" Sunoo said while being scared that he was forcing Jay to get out of his comfort space.

"It okie I be big boy now!" Jay smiled but his face dropped as he came out of his child-like space.

"Hey guys do I have any work today?" Jay said as he looked around.

"Yes little bro you have to find a secretary today because Ms.Jung resigned." Sunghoon explained.

"YAH! Sunghoon I'm older than you by 3 minutes!" Jay complained but his brothers were shooing him out the door to the car.

"Come on guys we got places to be and people to see." Junhui said as he started driving.

Meanwhile At Heewon's house
"HYUNG YOURE GONNA BE LATE TO YOUR INTERVIEW WAKE UP" Jungwon yelled trying to wake up Heeseung who was in a deep sleep until he got hit by a pillow.

"I'm up I'm up! What time is it anyway?" Heeseung said rubbing his eyes.
"It's 9:30am ! Your interview is at 10!" Jungwon scolded Heeseung as he dashed into his closet to find a suit and got dressed and dashed out the door.

But he turned back to give his boyfriend a kiss. "BYE SWEETIE ILL SEE YOU AT DINNER TIME!" Jungwon waved to Heeseung as he drove off then went inside to do his college homework.

At the company
"Good morning Mr.Park." The receptionist had said seeing the parks walk in.

"Good morning Karina" Jay said happy to see him one of his Noona's.
"Jongseong there is a man named Heeseung Lee waiting for you in your office saying he is here for the secretary position." Jay nodded

"Well I will call you guys if I need help but I need to go interview this person so I have to go." Jay waved to his brothers and walked up to his office where a tall doe eyed man was standing outside the door.

"Excuse me are you Heeseung Lee?" Said man looked up and when he made eye contact a wave of purple went over his vision.
Jay's vision went Ivory but he was so overwhelmed he had passed out.

Heeseung was panicking cause who wouldn't panic when the CEO of the company you're trying to get into just passed out onto the floor.

So Heeseung searched Jay for the key to his office and pulled him in and sat him on his lap until he wakes up.

The only thing Heeseung knows is that if he gets this job, he's gonna be in for a ride...


Hey guys! This was the first chapter of my new book "our little CEO" and I hope you guys liked it! I will add maybe two chapters tomorrow but I'm tired and it's 11:37pm right now so I'm probably gonna head to bed but I hope you guys liked it<3 please comment any of your thoughts but please be respectful and such

Thank you!! Bye ❤️

Word count: 859

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