Part 7: Littlespace?

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Double update letchugo...

Story starts here

Throughout the week Jongseong had been thinking about moving in with Heewon and even talked to his brothers and Minghao about it.

But also throughout the week He had been under a lot of stress and was slipping into little space like a lot a lot,even at work.

One time Heewon had walked into his office to find child coloring books on the couch and a stuffed animal on the floor but left before Jongseong came back.

They both agreed that once Jongseong came to their house one Friday they would get some answers out of him.


Sunoo had just dropped Jongseong off at Heewon's house leaving after threatening to break both Heeseung and Jungwon's dicks if they try anything on Jongseong.

Jongseong had happily walked into the house and laid down on the couch.

Heeseung and Jungwon looked at each other knowing that they need to get this topic out of the way before anything else.

"Uhm Princess we need to ask you something. It's important." Heeseung said in a serious tone making Jongseong sit up straight.

"W-what is it?" Jongseong stuttered.

"We need to know if you possibly have a kid by any chance?" Jungwon said making eye contact with Jongseong.

"No,what makes you think that?" Jongseong said questionably.

"Well when I first went into your office I saw a pacifier and this week when me and jungwon were going to see you we found a coloring book and a stuffed animal on the floor. So whose was that?" Heeseung explained.

"O-oh um can you guys sit down for this." Jongseong said nervously.

Once they sat down he continued.

"So the pacifier and coloring book and the stuffed animal are all...mines." Heeseung and Jungwon looked up in shock.

"Wait they're yours?" Jungwon asked.

"Yes, I have something called little space. And it's when I'm stressed or scared or triggered by something that makes me go into a child like mind and im not me. It's kinda like another person is in my body." Jongseong explained hoping that it made since.

"I have actually heard about something like this. So you would be able to be the age 0-10 or something like that?" Heeseung asked.

"Well yeah my age range is 0-6. And he's um very shy. So he will come out after some time." Jongseong said.

"Wait so what do we call someone when they are in little space?" Jungwon asked.

"You can use the term little when someone is in little space like as in calling them little." Jongseong explained.

"Well does your little have a name?" Heeseung asked.

"He likes to be called Jayjay." Jongseong said while fiddling with his fingers.

"Why Jayjay?" Jungwon and Heeseung wondered.

"Well my name is Jay." Jongseong said

"Really?" Jungwon asked in amazement.

"Well my dad is part American so he gave me an English name and then when we came to Korea I chose a name to go by." Jongseong explained.

"So technically your real name is Jay and then you got a second name?" Jungwon asked to clarify.

"Mhm." Jongseong said while nodding.

Heeseung asked "is there anything else we should know about your little space?"

"Well me and Jayjay's memories aren't connected. So he doesn't know you guys yet because I haven't slipped into little space in front of you guys yet."

"So do you think we will meet Jayjay soon?" Jungwon asked.

"Probably after I move in and get comfortable with my surroundings." Heeseung nodded

Jungwon said "wait. You're moving in with us?!" Jongseong nodded and then got picked up and they started celebrating while Jongseong giggled at their excitement.

Double update! I have three days of school this week for some unknown reason but I'll try and update throughout my school week but since I have another 3 day weekend I will update more but for now I'll see you guys late bye❤️

Word count: 665

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