Part 8: Shopping spree

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Hi guys this may be posted on tomorrow which is Saturday only because it's 10:16pm right now but I'll try to give you guys a good quality chapter!

Story starts here

"Noonoo! Haohao! Jayjay ready to shopping!" The little cheered as he was excited that he could finally get some clothes that he was comfortable in.

He shook his younger brother and his hyung to wake them up. They had slept in his room again.

"I'm up Jayjay, go pick out what you want to wear today." Minghao blinked tiredly as he watch the little attempt to find some clothes that he wanted to wear for today.

The little picked out a very oversized hoodie that went to his knees and some sweat pants.

As he managed to get dressed, Sunoo woke up and watched as a tiny dog walked in and jumped on Jayjay.

"Heewo gaewul!" Their dog gaeul had walked into the room quietly and licked everyone as a hello.

"GAEUL COME HERE!" Sunghoon yelled from downstairs making the dog jump off of Jayjay's lap and waddle out.

"Me and Sunoo will be back okay? We need to go get dressed and then we'll be back." Minghao explained.

"Otay! Jayjay be downstairs." The little said before running downstairs to back hug his older brother while smiling.

"Hi little one. Did you sleep well?" Junhui asked while taping Jayjay's nose making the little giggle.

"Jayjay dreamed about this two pretty guys and they call Jayjay pwetty and Jayjay wake up bwushing." Jayjay recalled his dream to Junhui and started blushing again.

"Do you think you will ever meet those men in real life?" Junhui asked knowing that Jayjay doesn't know he has soulmates.

"Jayjay don't think pwetty guys rweal." The shorter pouted while his brother had an idea.

"Jayjay come on!" Sunoo yelled as he and Minghao walked to the door.

"Does Jayjay need to go now?" The little asked and Minghao looked over at Junhui with a look that said "is he allowed to go out as a little?".

"Jayjay you can stay little but stay with Minghao or Sunoo, don't wonder off." Junhui answered as he helped the little tie his shoes.

"Otay Jayjay pwomise!" The little held up his tiny pinky to link it with his brothers.

"Okay now be safe and show me some stuff you bought when you get back!" Junhui yelled as he waved at his brothers and his boyfriend.

At the mall

"Okay Jayjay what do you want to do first?" Sunoo asked while cooing at the excited little.

"I wan get hair done pwease!" Jayjay said jumping up and down.

They walked over to the hair salon and the hairstylist greeted them.

"Hi guys,haven't seen you in a while." The hairstylist named Jisoo waved at them while Jayjay hid behind Minghao being nervous meeting a new person.

"Oh is Jongseong okay?" Jisoo asked wondering why the younger was hiding.

"Uhm Jisoo noona, do you know what a little is?" Sunoo asked slowly while looking at Jisoo.

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