Part 16: Honorifics

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Um hey y'all- so uh good news... my mom got a house! So I'm probably gonna move in with her soon but yeah I'll update more on that but anygays I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!
(Author note: trigger warning ahead please proceed with caution. I am writing a bit of this from my own actual experience and some of it is fiction. You have been warned.)
Story starts here

"Oppa" Riki spits his water out and starts to choke. Minghao starts to die laughing and Jongseong just sits there with a look of amusement on his face.

It was early in the morning and the Xu-Nishimura siblings were awake sitting in the kitchen as Jongseong was cooking.

"Noona please that caught me off guard." Niki said after recovering from his coughing fit.

"Oh sorry,anyways Oppa can you hand me the clear noodles over there?" Jongseong said while pointing to somewhere near the fridge.

"Sure,anything else?" Minghao asked as he handed over the noodles but Jongseong shook his head.

"Noona don't we have to explain to Jayjay what they missed?" Riki had wondered what the littles reaction would be.

"I mean you will but I bet he won't really be that bothered in fact he'd probably be happy cause he would use that as an excuse to call you Oppa." Jongseong says while pointing to Riki.

"Wait me? Why?" Riki blushed a red hue.

"Well I don't really know he just wants to I guess." Jongseong shrugged. It's not like their memory is connected, just their thoughts.

"Noona,when you transition,will you have periods and be able to get pregnant and all that?" Jongseong shrugged at this question.

"I don't know,google it." Riki rolled his eyes and looked to Minghao.

"Well actually, me and mom called the doctor after you said you wanted surgery and they said that since Mrs.Park had only made you go through surgery for your private parts,your cells can still reproduce but you need a gate way for the baby to come out or a c-section. But because of that medication you got put on,it's possible for you to not have a period." Minghao put in short.

"In short,I'm able to get pregnant but I possibly might not have periods? Cool." Jongseong nodded while putting the food down on the table.

"Uhm why is the first thing I hear in the morning the fact that Seongie Noona can get pregnant?" Sunoo says while walking into the dining room.

"Huh? Seongie can get pregnant?" Junhui says walking in and hugging his boyfriend.

"Dibs on naming the baby!" Riki says while jumping on the table.

"Get your ass off that table young man!" Jake yelled as he was trying to eat peacefully.

"Whose baby are we talking about?" Heeseung says as Jungwon and him walk in.

"Jing Noona can get pregnant so I claim dibs on the name of the baby." Riki explains.

"Wait Seongie can have kids?" Heeseung says with excitement. Jongseong nods and Heeseung tackles him into a hug.

"Riki I'm gonna be the one naming that child." Jungwon said while glaring at the Japanese.

"Fine fine but I wanna name your second kid." Riki starts sulking.

"Fine fine the second is all yours Riki." Heeseung agrees.

"Woah woah who said anything about a second kid?" Jongseong says with a look of disbelief.

Heeseung and Jungwon smiled innocently at Jongseong before sitting down at the table to eat.

"Jiejie how do you feel about your dick being cut off?" Both Jongseong and Minghao immediately spat their water out all over the kitchen counter and started choking.

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