Part 10: Riki?

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Hey guys- so I have a sore throat but oh well onto the story

Story starts here

"NOONOO HII!" Jayjay said as he was being carried by Jungwon.

"Hey Jayjay, I see you've met-" "Riki is that you?" Heeseung cut Sunoo off making the little on Sunoo's lap wake up and turn around.

"Hannie hyungie?" Riki said before running to his older brother and jumping into his arms.

Jayjay was jealous and pulled Riki off but then paused with wide eyes.

"KIKI?" "JONGIE!" The littles jumped around while cheering.

"Um can someone explain what's happening?" Jungwon and Sunoo sat next to each other looking so confused.

"Kiki is Seungie yow brother?" Jayjay asked to his friend in which Riki nodded.

"Okay wait a minute." Heeseung paused before examining the situation.

"Okay so if I'm not mistaken, Jayjay and Riki are friends...and Riki is a little?" Heeseung concluded with the most confused face.

"Riki is um also my soulmate by the way." Sunoo said making Riki blush.

"Kiki soulmate wit noonoo?" Jayjay asked while making big puppy eyes at his friend.

"Y-yesh is Jayjay otay wit dat?" Riki asked while fiddling with his shirt.

Jayjay nodded and hugged his bestie while jumping up and down.

"Wait a minute....Jungwon is that you?" Minghao had been quiet for a while trying to recognize his friend.

"Minghao hyung?" Jungwon said being shocked that he was seeing his friend.

"Wait so you are the Minghao Jayjay was talking about?" Heeseung said as he realized that he had met Minghao before.

"I'm his older brothers boyfriend actually, I like taking care of him and the rest of his brothers but Jayjay needs the most care." Minghao explained while still being in aww that his friends are Jayjay's soulmates.

Meanwhile with the little's

"Psst.. kiki." Jayjay whispered to his friend who looked over to see Jayjay holding up two skirts which were in their favorite colors and two matching purple and black crop tops.

The best friends looked at eachother and then back at the clothes and snuck off to go put them on while their soulmates and their Minghao Hyung were talking.


Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long.

I intended for this chapter to be longer but I'm currently going through something so I'll post when I'm safe but goodbye for now!

Word count: 393

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