Part 9: Re-introducing

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I don't have anything to say also thank you so much for the views! Anygays let's continue.

Story starts here

Heewon took Jayjay to the food court so they could sit down and talk also to coo over the little eating with a pout.

"Okay so how about we introduce ourselves again?" Heeseung suggested and everyone agreed.

"Okay I'll go first! Hi I'm Heeseung Lee, I'm 21 and I work as the secretary at park&co." Heeseung then pointed to Jungwon after he finished.

"Um hi I'm Jungwon Yang, I'm 19,and I'm a college student at I-land university." Jungwon smiled while nudging Jayjay.

"H-hewwo I'm Jayjay, jongseongie is 20 but I'm f-five." Jayjay said shyly as the other two held his hands. (Im foive-bang Chan,sorry back to the story)

"Did you come here with anybody Jayjay?" Heeseung asked hoping he wasn't just here alone.

"Y-Yesh I came here with Noonoo and Haohao Hyungie." Jayjay said and the other two took a second to realize he meant Sunoo and Minghao.

"Do they know where you are? They must be worried." Jungwon said making Jayjay feel sad that he just wondered off.

"Jayjay wan tell chu something..." Jayjay was about to spill his secret which made Heewon lean in.

"Jayjay wan go find skirt to wear but nu find stow." Jayjay had explained while Heewon were imagining Jongseong wearing a skirt and gulped.

"H-honey how about we get you some skirts and then we go find your hyungs hm?" Heeseung said squeezing Jayjay's hand.

"Otay!" Jayjay said and then they all got up and went to find a shop to get skirts.

At the shop

Jayjay found some pastel skirts to try on but he needed help.

"W-wonie could chu help me put this own pwease." Jayjay called out to the younger.

"Okay I'm coming in." Jungwon warned before walking in.

When he walked in he was met with Jayjay not wearing pants or his hoodie and he had to control himself.

"Chu help jayjay put skirt on pwease." Jayjay said snapping Jungwon out of his dirty minded state.

"Okay,just put your legs through and I'll pull it up." Jungwon explained but as he pulled up the skirt he accidentally brushed his hair against Jayjay's chest causing the little to make a very unholy noise.

Jungwon paused before zipping the skirt up. Then he stepped back to admire how the skirt complimented Jongseong's curves.

"D-does it look good?" Jayjay looked at Jungwon with such innocent eyes and Jungwon nodded knowing if he opened his mouth he would have said something that would possibly wreck the older's innocence.

"Wanna show Heeseung hyung?" The younger said to little.

"Yesh pwease!" Jayjay said and Jungwon called Heeseung into the dressing room.

When Heeseung walked in his mouth flew open making the little giggle a bit.

"Seungie Hyung are chu otay?" The little asked innocently.

"Y-yeah you look very beautiful Jayjay." Heeseung complimented before excusing himself to the bathroom.

"When Heeseung comes back we can go find Minghao and Sunoo okay?" Jungwon said to the little.

"Otay!" Jayjay said before changing into his normal clothes again.

Back at the food court

Sunoo and Minghao were still looking for Jayjay until they got a call from Heeseung saying that they had him and could meet them at the food court.

Sunoo was looking around when suddenly someone jumped on his lap.

"E-excuse me sir could chu help me." The little boy said who looked scared.

Sunoo realized that the boy was a little and agreed.

"What happened to you?" Sunoo asked the little while wiping his tears.

"Riki being chased by shadow man and couldn't find fwiends." The little explained before hiding his head into Sunoo's neck.

"How about we wait here for my brother and then we go find your friends hm?" The little finally made eye contact with Sunoo causing pink to go over his vision and black to go over Sunoo's.

"What the fudge...."


Hey guys! Sorry this is shorter than the last one but I'll update soon! Love you guys! Bye ❤️

Word count: 694

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