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Double update! There might be a triple update depending on what time I finish this though. Anygays let's continue where we left off...

Story starts here

"Sir you called me?" Heeseung asked as he walked in nervous that he did something even though he's only been here for a day.

"Yes,I want to know if you saw something go over your vision when we first met by any chance?" Jongseong asked hoping for the answer purple or something along those lines.

"U-uhm I saw purple b-before you passed out." Heeseung stuttered not knowing what Jongseong would do.

Jongseong suddenly got up and walked over to Heeseung and Heeseung closed his eyes scared that Jongseong would hit him or something because his face made him look mad.

Jongseong suddenly smiled at the sight of the nervous older and sat on his lap and kissed his cheek.

"Didn't think someone would have Ivory as a favorite color but oh well." Heeseung opened his eyes and look at Jongseong like he was an angel.

Jongseong blushed and hid his face in the older's shoulder. Heeseung cooed at how cute the younger was looking right now.

"Can we stay like this for a while seungie hyung?" Jongseong asked not realizing he gave the older a nickname.

The older nodded blushing at the nickname.

"By the way Mr.Park-" "Jongseong. You can call me Jongseong" Jongseong smiled.

"J-Jongseong can you come back to my house today there is something I want to show you." Jongseong agreed because he could use this opportunity to get to know his soulmate more.

"You should go back to your office now Seungie hyung." Heeseung nodded and kissed Jongseong's cheek before leaving.

End of workday

"Jongseong! You ready to go?" Junhui had asked but Jongseong shook his head.

"Hyung Im going home with my soulmate today I'll be back later tonight though."

Sunghoon and Sunoo had wide eyes. "SOULMATE!?!" Jongseong giggled at this

Heeseung came up behind him and back hugged him. "You ready to go now?"

The park brothers all gasped at how Jongseong just let the person hug him because he barely lets people touch him unless they are close to him.

"Hyung this is my soulmate." Jongseong said smiling

"Woah" "oh mah god" "Don't hurt him or I'll hurt you!" These were the different reactions of the park brothers.

Heeseung was kinda scared when Sunoo went from looking like an adorable ball of sunshine to a spawn of Satan.

"Guys please be nice." Jongseong said knowing his brothers were trying to protect him.

"Fine but if he hurts you then I will hurt him." Said Sunoo with a resting bitch face while Sunghoon agreed with him.

"We're just gonna leave now- Love you guys byeee." Jongseong said not letting his brothers say anything else.

Heeseung help Jongseong get into the passenger seat then he went to the driver seat and started the car.

While driving they asked basic questions like what's your favorite food? And stuff like that.

At Heeseung's House

"Sweetie are you home?" Jongseong looked at Heeseung like he was about to smack him and yell but a tall figure came down.

"Oh hyung who is this?" The tall boy asked.

"Jungwon honey this is Jongseong , Jongseong this is Jungwon my o-" Jungwon and Jongseong made eye contact and color went over both of their eyes and Jongseong passed out again.

Jungwon stood there wide eyed. "H-hyung i-is this another soulmate?" The youngest asked shaken at what just happened.

Heeseung nodded and sat Jungwon down on the couch after they both put Jongseong to rest on the other couch.

"Hyung I need an Explanation for this,why do I have two soulmates!?!"

Hey Guys Please leave comments for things you want to possibly see in future chapters and one shots. Thank you!

Word count: 645

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