Part 19: ✨Hospital✨

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uhhhh heeeeeyy

how y'all doing🥰

so much has happened like it's really outrageous but uhm how have y'all been doing?

I finished recording my album so it'll be out at the end of January, pls stream it guys I need to buy things for my orchestra instruments maintenance-

but uhm onto the story-


ehem i literally fell back into a depression like omg so funny but uhm I really hope to make it up to you guys and finish this story and not go on hiatus.

I hope you all have a happy new year and remember that you matter and if somebody thinks otherwise

murder is always an option

okie bye-bye my loves!!

story starts here


everyone looked up to see Sunoo and Sunghoon racing towards the room.

"What happened? Is she gonna be okay?!" Sunghoon exclaimed in a panic.

Everyone steps to the side and lets the two siblings run towards the bed. They watch as the two Park's lay on each side of the bed. It felt like a very intimate moment so everyone else clears the room.

The park's looked absolutely shattered at the state of their sibling. She was unconscious and had so many bruises on her face. Sunghoon fumed with anger realizing that someone had to have done this.

"Who in their right mind could have done such a thing. To a little at that!" The older park said clenching his fist.

Sunoo couldn't even speak because of what happened to his noona. All he could do was hold Jongseong's hand and hope she would wake up. Sunghoon mirrored what his dongsaeng did and sat there in silence.

Outside of the room 

Heeseung and Jungwon were filling everyone else in on the information from Jungwon's brother and what Chaeryoung had told them on the man who beat up Jongseong.

Riki was heartbroken and immediately ran into the room to see his sister. Minghao soon followed after with Jake in tow. The others continued discussing the events.

"Wait so the same person who assaulted Jongie during school is that bastard from the damn supermarket!?" Heeseung exclaimed with a flushed face. Jungwon would've calmed him down if he wasn't already getting up and walking out of the hospital.

"JUNGWON COME BACK J-" Jeongin tried yelling for his brother but it was no use. It was better to get him some time to cool off when he's like that.

"I'm so sorry." Chaeryoung was still doubting herself and thinking she was to blame. She was hitting herself on and on again until Junhui stopped her.

""Don't beat up on yourself ma'am. It doesn't matter that you couldn't get there in time to stop that bastard from causing fatal damage. It matters that you were able to call for help just in time before the injuries could've cause worse to our jonseong's health." Jun patted her back in comfort before leaving to get her a tissue.

It was just Heeseung and Chaeryoung at the moment. With no topic coming to mind they just sat there in silence. Until it became insufferable for Heeseung.

"I'm sorry but I never asked, what is your name?" He questioned. Chaeryoung finally made eye contact to confirm that he was talking to her before answering.

"Chaeryoung. Lee Chaeryoung." 

Heeseung's eyes widened a bit in recognition of the surname before saying something.

"ah, well ms.Chaeryoung, thank you for helping my soulmate." he bowed as not knowing how old she was and he felt it disrespectful to ask.

"I would've felt like a jerk if I hadn't helped. I had met Jongseong before at the mall and I was going to walk up to her at the market before that ma- well you're aware of what happened." She looked down into her hands still feeling guilty.

There wasn't much conversation after that. Jun had returned with the tissues and they all tried to piece together everything while waiting for Dr.yang to comeback.

In the room

Riki was balling tears into Sunoo's chest. He couldn't bear to see his sister in such a state.

"We should get the doctor back in here to check up on her again." Minghao suggested which Sunghoon nodded to as he was the only one with his mind slightly straight.

Jongseong was rested on the bed breathing peacefully. She would mumble incoherent words in her slumber. Whenever she would move by accident in her sleep she would whimper in pain.

"Alright, I'll add some more medicine into the IV drip. I can't do anything to her until she's awake though. Alert me as soon as she wakes up." Dr.yang said before walking out of the room and allowing Heeseung and Jun enter.

"Hyung where's Jungwon?" Jake asked in worry. Heeseung just shook his head and walked over to Jongseong's bed.

Everyone sat in silence for a bit just hoping that she would wake up soon.After a while though, everyone fell asleep.



Happy new year everyone!

Sorry for the short chapter, wanted to update before 2024 though.

I hope you all had a good year or if you didn't, at least you made it to the end.

I'll make time to update more in 2024 after January

but until then

stay safe!!

love you pandas bye bye <333

word count: 838

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