Part 2: What's a soulmate?

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Hey guy's! I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am. There may be smut in one of my books coming up but I'll give you guys fluffs to prepare first anygays onwards!

Story starts here

"MR.PARK! MR.PARK" Heeseung was trying to wake up Jongseong by poking,slapping, and get water which he was about to splash on Jongseong's face.

But Jongseong woke up right before Heeseung tipped the cup.

"W-what happened to me?" Jongseong asked as he rubbed his head.

"Mr.Park you passed out Sir." Heeseung said not sure if he should mention Jongseong being his soulmate or not. Or to even mention Jungwon.

"O-oh well um you can let go of me now and we can start the interview." Jongseong said making Heeseung realize that he was still holding him in his lap.

"Oh sorry sir!" "It's fine but anyways what is your name?" The younger asked as he sat down at his desk and examined the older.

"It's Heeseung Lee but I also go by my English name which is Ethan." Jongseong nodded then continued to ask more questions.

"Do you have an experience being a secretary?" "Yes but the company had gotten shut down do to sells going down." Jongseong looked up for a second and then went back to his papers.

"Okay everything seems to check out when would you like to start your work?" "I'd be fine starting today if that's okay with you?" Jongseong looked at Heeseung and then nodded.

"Your office is the next door on the left and I will buzz you in if I need something but for now here are some papers for you to sign for right now." Jongseong handed Heeseung a stack of papers and sent him off.

"Thank you for this Job opportunity Mr.Park." Heeseung bowed and stood up to walk to his office. But when he turned around he saw a glimpse of a pacifier but Jongseong saw it too and immediately picked it up with a nervous glance before going back to his papers.

Heeseung thought "does mr.park have a child by any chance?" But he brushed it off for now and thought to ask around later because for now he has a lot of papers to sign.

Lunch Time

"Junhui hyung can I ask you something?" Jongseong asked his hyung as they went out for lunch together with Junhui's boyfriend/Soulmate Xu Minghao.

"You just asked me a question but sure. Fire away." Junhui joke but got smacked upside the head by Minghao.

"So You know how there was a man here to interview for secretary right?" "Yeah his name was Heeseung Lee right?" "Yeah well when I looked into his eyes I saw the color ivory for the first time and it kinda flashed over my vision." Minghao and Junhui looked at each other and then looked at Jongseong smiling brightly at him.

Minghao was the first one to speak up. "Jongie sweetie,you just met your soulmate."

Jongseong was puzzled. "Haohao Hyungie what is a soulmate?" This time Junhui answered. "Well Jayjay a soulmate is the person you are destined to date,marry and start a family with."

"Oh so like you and Haohao Hyungie?" Jongseong asked with big eyes. And Junhao nodded while slightly blushing.

"But hyung how do you know if they are your soulmate?" Jongseong wondered out loud.

"Well when you look in their eyes you can see their favorite color flash over your eyes and everything that was originally that color you will be able to see instead of it being gray."
Junhui explained.

Jongseong now understood but realized that he needed to confront Heeseung about it.

"Well We have to go back to our company so we will see you at the house okay Seongie?" Junhui asked while getting up.

"Okie! Bye hyungies thanks for filling me in on soulmates." Jongseong waved at the couple before walking away.

At the office

Jongseong called in Heeseung. "Heeseung come to my office immediately please."

"On my way sir."

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter the next one is coming in a sec.

Word Count: 694

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