Part 12:Brother?

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Hey guys! So um I just got stitches in my arm and so my arm feels like shit but because I feel moody today I'm making the story go down hill and I'm fucking you guys up 🥰Still love you guys though❤️❤️

Story starts here

"Minghao Hyungie can you call Jakey please?" Jongseong said with puppy eyes as they were trying to call everyone for a meet up at the Parks house.

"Sure-" Minghao replied before hearing his phone ring.

"Babyyyy negae banhae beorin negae wae irae-"

Minghao picked up the phone and spoke in mandarin.

"Oh hi mom,is there anything you need?" Minghao's mom answered in a hurry asking if he was at the Parks home and when he said yes,she hung up the phone.

"That was weird." Minghao said staring at his phone before calling everyone to come to the Park household.

"Hyungie is everyone on the way." Jongseong asked while walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah sweetie Jake might be a bit late tho." Minghao said before patting Jongseong's head.

"Okie I'm gonna take a nap now." Jongseong said as the door bell rang.

Junhui went to open the door and saw Soobin,Yeonjun,Kai,Seungmin,Jeongin,Taehyun,Beomgyu,and for some reason Minghao's Mom...?

"Oh! Miss Xu? I didn't expect to see you here." Junhui said as Minghao's Mom hugged him.

"Yeah well I have some very important news that I need everyone to sit down for,is everyone here?" Miss Xu said while looking around.

"Jake and Sunghoon still aren't here but they'll be here in 2 minutes." Junhui said before going to get Jay from his sleep.

"Jongseong wake up honey." Junhui was shaking Jongseong gently.

"H-huh jayjay tired Hyungie carry me pwease." Jayjay said while reaching his arms.

"Fine,how old is Jayjay?" Junhui said after noticing that Jayjay had a pacifier in his mouth.

"Jayjay two." The little said while wrapping his legs around his older brother's waist.

"Well there are some people downstairs that Jayjay needs to meet. Do you think you will behave well?" Junhui asked watching as Jayjay pouted at the thought of people meaning social interaction.

"A-awe hannie and wonnie thwere?" Jayjay asked as they were going down the stairs.

"Yeah they're in the kitchen waiting for you." Junhui said before putting Jayjay down at the end of the steps.

"Mamaaaaaa" the little said after seeing Miss Xu next to the couch.

"Jayjay!" The little ran to the lady and jumped into her arms literally.

"I missed chu mama." Jayjay said leaning into the lady's touch.

"Aww I missed you too love bug,can you sit on the couch for mama? I have something to tell you all." Miss Xu said while asking Minghao to gather everyone in the living room.

"Okay firstly,let's all introduce ourselves,hello I'm Miss Xu, I am Minghao's Mom and it is nice to meet all of you." The lady explained before making everyone say their names.

"I'm Heeseung and this is Jungwon and we're Jongseong's soulmates." The raven haired man explained which made Miss Xu's eyes almost pop out of her head.

"My baby has a soulmate!?" Miss Xu said before dramatically fainting which caught the attention of the little who was now on the floor with a coloring book.

"H-huh? Mama wakey pwease." Jayjay said as he poked Miss Xu's cheek softly.

As the lady woke up she hugged Jayjay tightly.

"My baby finally has not one but two soulmates!!" The lady cheered before calming down.

"Heeseung and Jungwon,take care of Jongseong and don't hurt them cause if you do,I will murder both of you slowly and painfully." Miss Xu said before smiling psychotically scaring the two soulmates.

"Um mom as much as I love to see two of my friends being terrified of you,didn't you say you have something to tell us?" Minghao stepped in as it looked like his friends were about to shit their pants.

"Oh! Right,I need everyone to sit down for this and Jayjay sweetheart,I need to you to go into big space only for an hour okay? Then we'll play." Miss Xu said while hugging Jayjay before he left.

"Don't forget about mwe wuv chu!" Jayjay said before switching back to Jongseong.

"Well now that everyone is prepared,I have two things to say,the first one is that....." Miss Xu seemed anxious as she said this and looked to Minghao who seemed puzzled before looking back at everyone.

"Jongseong isn't your real brother." It was like times had stopped,and a cup of juice fell from Jongseong's hand.

"W-what do you mean he isn't our brother?" Junhui said confused and scared.

"Well I thought it would be about time that I said this." Miss Xu paused before continuing.

"When I was young I had met my soulmate,Minghao's dad and we got married and had Minghao, we had wanted a daughter so we tried for another child-" Minghao cut his mom off "I don't have a sister tho?"

"-As I was saying,we had tried for another child hoping to get a daughter,9 months later we had a beautiful baby girl,but when I looked to the left I saw Junhui's mom crying because she was supposed to give birth to twins but one of them died and left her with only one child. I felt bad so me and Minghao's dad agreed to give up our daughter to Miss Park." As she continued to explain everyone was still confused on why there was a daughter involved.

"We gave her our daughter and left but came to visit her two years later to find out that she somehow made a surgery happen and turned our daughter into a Son. We asked her why she did it and she said that Mr Park never wanted a daughter." Jongseong was listening and cut Miss Xu off.

"W-wait so you're saying t-that I'm a girl?" Jongseong asked with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry honey,I tried to get them to make another surgery so you wouldn't have to grow up thinking something was wrong but they refused to listen to me." Miss Xu said while hugging Jongseong who was about to breakdown.

"Hold on,Jongseong is my sister?" Minghao said after realizing and processing everything.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you I promise that I was go-" Minghao walked up the stairs and slammed the door loudly.

Jongseong got up silently.

"I'm gonna go talk to hyung,we can continue this conversation in a sec." the confused boy said.

He silently walked up the stairs and softly closed the door.

"I-im gonna go to the store." Sunoo said while dragging Niki,Jake, Sunghoon, and the SooJunKai couple with him.

As the door closed it was extremely silent in the house except for the sniffles every few seconds.


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been here,I got an injury and haven't been able to do much but I'm back! If you have any questions about this chapter,don't be scared to ask and also I hope you guys suffered from this plot twist cause there is another one coming.

I hope you guys enjoyed! I love you ❤️❤️

Word count: 1220

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