Part 13:Talk

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Hey guys! Going through a traumatic experience right now so this will probably be a while before I post this chapter but onwards!

Story starts here

Jongseong was walking through the halls but stopped at one door. His room door was closed,so he knocked.

"Minghao Gēgē,can we talk?" Jongseong heard the door slowly unlock and watched as it opened.
"Don't you have to call me Oppa instead of Hyungie now?" Minghao answered in Korean.

"Well yeah I guess so." Jongseong said making them both laugh as they sat down.

"Gēgē" Minghao hummed.

"I think I wanna get surgery." Jongseong said looking off into the distance.
"What do you mean mèimei?" Jongseong smiled at the name Minghao called him.

"I wanna talk to mama and I wanna get bottom surgery." Jongseong explained

"I'm in full support of any decisions you make to feel comfortable with your body."Minghao says while opening his arms for a hug.

Jongseong falls in Minghao's arms with tears streaming down his face.

"I wish I knew about this sooner,I could've lived a better life." Jongseong said into Minghao's chest.

"Mèimei it's okay,at least you were told while you're still young,some people feel like they're in the wrong body and don't know it until they're in their 60's." Minghao said to comfort Jongseong.

"This so weird,those people I called my parents kept all this from me and didn't even tell anyone except mama."

"Speaking of mama,we need to go down there and talk to her,I feel really bad." Jongseong said remembering the lady who was crying the last time he saw her.

"We need to get everyone back in the room first." Minghao said before standing up and looking back at Jongseong.

"Gēgē can you carry me please?" Jongseong said putting on his best puppy face.

"You're so lucky I love you." Minghao said before picking him up.
Downstairs,Heewon were trying to comfort the lady currently crying her heart out when they heard foot steps coming from the front door.

"H-how is everyone" Sunoo said while his voice cracked.

Everyone sat back down in a circle in the living room as Heewon was hugging Miss Xu which helped her calm down a lot.
Ten minutes went by with people on their phones and lots of tissues.

When finally they heard soft foot steps on the stairs and a tiny voice talking.

"Gēgē,can Jayjay borrow you maeup?"
"Only if you have someone watching you mèimei."
"I promise dat ddeonu wat me."
"Pinky promise."
They all turned their heads when they heard their voices closer to them.
They saw Minghao hold Jayjay at his hip with both of their pinkies locked.
"Jayjay has to go now but not for long okay?" Minghao said making the little nod before hugging the older.

As Jongseong returned,he still wanted to be held by Minghao as they walked into the living room.

"Now that everyone is back,let's try this again." Jongseong said with a smile that everyone knew was fake but didn't say it.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner,I was scared you wouldn't believe me at all." Miss Xu explained.

"It's okay mama,I just a few questions." Jongseong said which made everyone curious.

"I'll be happy to answer anything from any of you." Miss Xu said.

"Well what was my name gonna be if you had kept me?" Jongseong started the questions off easy.

"Well me and your dad wanted to look for gender neutral names so we went with Jing." Miss Xu answer easily.

"Why Jing?"
"Well we wanted a name that had a good meaning,so we chose Jing cause it means peaceful and tranquil." Miss Xu explained.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jongseong said cutting right to the point.

"I really wanted to tell you when you were ten,cause you asked me if it was okay for you to like dresses and makeup. But then Ms.Park picked you up and dragged you to your room,so I thought to wait until you weren't under their care anymore. And luckily Jun took you guys with him when he bought a house for college,so I thought it would be fine to wait until you settled in to tell you." Miss Xu said while playing with her fingers.

"Why would you tell me though?" Minghao said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby,I just could never find the right time,and when you told me jun was your soulmate,it made it harder for me cause you actually knew them and they weren't just some strangers."

"Are there anymore secrets to tell?"Junhui asked while looking around.

"Well um...Jongseong is only half related to Minghao." Everyone looked around in shock and terror because of what she says next.

"I cheated on Minghao's dad with Riki father."  Riki stood up immediately with wide eyes.

"WAIT SO JONGSEONG IS MY SIBLING!?!" Riki said as Jongseong passed out from shock.

Hi guys! So I am currently in something traumatic so I'll probably post a lot but I won't talk much

Btw I have bangs

I have bangs now-

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I have bangs now-


Word count: 870

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