Part 14:What.The.Fuck

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So um I left everyone on the edge of their seats in the last chapter so um I decided to update it today.....🥴☝️

Story starts here

"Okay this took a whole ass 360 what the fuck!" Sunoo said while walking over to Jongseong to wake him up.

"We need context,and lots of it." Minghao said after holding Jongseong in his lap.

"Okay so,years back me and my husband met with The Parks,Lees,and the Nishimura's for a drink at the club just to catch up on things. I started drinking but I felt weird and didn't know where my husband was. Mr.Nishimura said he would help me walk but then he took me to the bed room instead. We did.....something's and the next morning we both regretted it and we never spoke of it again. After two weeks I started getting morning sickness and I decided to take a pregnancy test. Well we all know how that went." Miss Xu nervously laughs before continuing.

"After I found out,I immediately told my husband what happened that night. He was heart broken but he still wanted to take care of the child. Fast forward a few years,the Nishimura's had Riki but Mrs.Nishimura had died after giving birth. Mr.Nishimura was on his own raising Riki. He had found out that I gave Jay to the Parks and he fought me trying to get Jay back. But he found out that Jay was originally born a girl and he was disgusted so he wanted nothing to do with anyone at that point. He paid the Lee's to take Riki at a young age and then he fell off the grid completely. Leaving me to have to explain everything to everyone by myself." Miss Xu finished the backstory and it went quiet.

All of a sudden,there were tiny sniffles heard.

"I'm sorry everyone,none of this would've happened if I wasn't born." Jongseong said with his head down.

"Don't say that little one,I'd rather have you like this than not have you at all." Miss Xu comforted Jongseong until he went to sleep with his arms wrapped around Minghao,his head on Riki and his legs on Miss Xu.
"Mama,Jong was talking to me,and I think you guys need to have a talk."

Jongseong woke up to muffled noises.
He groaned cause his head hurt.

"Mama,Gēgē" Nobody else knew that Jongseong spoke Chinese except for Minghao and Miss Xu so it was a shock.

"Mèimei,you okay?" Minghao asked helping Jongseong sit up.

"Mama I have a question to ask you." Miss Xu looked up.

"Could I get bottom surgery please." Jongseong asked which made Miss Xu's eyes widened.

"S-sure whatever makes you happy ji-jong." Miss Xu said almost saying Jongseong's birth name.

"Mama,you can call me Jing,it's okay." Jongseong reassured the lady.

"Okay...Jing." Miss Xu said with a smile.
"Riki-san" Jongseong spoke in Japanese to his best friend when it was a serious conversation.

"Riki are you okay?" Jongseong said while sitting next to the taller on the porch.

"It's just so confusing and complicated to believe that you're m-" Riki walked back into the house.

"Wait,I'm not Heeseung or Jake's brother?" Riki came to this realization with tears in his eyes.

"I'm afraid not sweetie,but i made a promise to your mom that if she dies,I would take care of you. So if you would let me,let me be your parent?" Miss Xu said while slowly lifting her arms for a hug.

Riki looked at her for a second with tears in his eyes and then he walked into her arms crying hard.
"Okay everyone comeback to the living room cause sadly this conversation isn't done yet." Heeseung said with a slightly sad voice.

Everyone looked around wondering who's gonna start the conversation this time.

The person who this conversation is all about decided to speak up.

"I have decided to get surgery." The person started off with.

"I'm only gonna do the bottom surgery cause I'm fine having a flat-ass chest." This earned a chuckle from everyone.

"I also would like it if the younger ones could call me noona please instead of hyung. And I don't really care about pronouns so use whatever you'd like." Jongseong said making everyone nod.

"Is there any questions guys?" Miss Xu asked.

"I have one question,what's for dinner?" Riki asked earning a smack from Miss Xu before Jongseong yelled.

"Family huggggggg!!" Jongseong said before dragging Minghao,Riki,and Their mom in for a hug.

"By the way,I like boys." Sunoo said which made him get put into a headlock by Sunghoon.

Hi guys! So I listened to my friend and decided to not make y'all suffer this chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed!! Bye love yah

Word Count:818

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