Part 4:Explation+Introduction

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I decided to do a triple update cause I can- Anygays onwards

Story starts here

" so let me get this straight, you got an interview as a secretary for the CEO that you have never met in your life and when you guys saw each other you locked eyes and he passed out and when he woke up he acted normal and then called you into his office to tell you that you guys are soulmates and now you're telling me that he is also my soulmate and he is also the dude that is passed out on our couch next to us correct?" Jungwon had summarized everything that Heeseung just explained to him.

"Yes and also He may have a child because I saw a pacifier in his office when I walked out the door." Heeseung thought this was important to mention and they should probably ask Jongseong about it when he wakes up.

"Uhm wow okay well what do we do now?" Jungwon asked looking over at his other soulmate that he just met.

"Well for now we can try to wake him up but I'd say put him on your lap to wake him up so he can get used to seeing you first." Heeseung explained while staring at the smol body laying on their couch.

15 minutes later

"Seongie. Seongie!" Jongseong felt that he was on somebody's lap and felt pokes on his cheek.

"Huh?" Jongseong opened his eyes and looked front and saw Heeseung and thought "huh? If Heeseung is there then who...?"

He turned his head to the left and was met with big cat eyes staring down at him making him feel so tiny and submissive (submissive and breedable-sorry back to the story)

"H-hi there." Jongseong said shyly while starting to blush.

Jungwon smiled and said "Hello Jongseong hyung I'm Yang Jungwon,your other soulmate."

"There is no way I have two hotties as my soulmates oh mah god" Jongseong thought as he got lost in the younger's eyes not realizing that he was talking to him.

"-Stay here? Hyung were you listening?" Jungwon had waved his hand over Jongseong's face to snap him back to reality.

"Oh sorry I wasn't what were you saying Junnie?" Jongseong had yet again gave someone a nickname without realizing it.

Jungwon,blushing repeated what he said "Heeseung hyung and I were thinking and because you're our soulmate we wanted you to live with us." Jongseong tensed up.

Heewon noticed this and Heeseung continued "That's only if you're comfortable with it of course and we can give you a few days if you'd like."

Jongseong calmed down a bit and said "y-yeah I can give my answer in a week please I wanna get to know you guys first."

Heewon looked at each other nodding in agreement to Jongseong's terms.

"Okay well let's start with questions um how many siblings do you guys have?" Jongseong asked

Heeseung said "I have a Twin brother and a younger brother."

Jungwon answered "I have an older brother."

Jongseong said "nice,I have an older brother,twin brother,and younger brother. Heeseung has already met them."

Jungwon pouted. "It's okay I'll let you come to work soon and meet them too Junnie." Jongseong said to cheer up his younger soulmate.

"Jongseong hyung do you have any names you like to be called by?" The youngest asked

"Well I'm fine with any pet names." Jongseong answered.

"So can I call you princess then?" Heeseung asked. Jongseong nodded blushing

"Then I'm calling you kitten" Jungwon said while smirking.Jongseong was a blushing mess at this point.

"Any nicknames for us princess?" Heeseung asked.

"U-uhm I'll call You Seungie or Hannie and I'll call you Junnie or Wonie" Jongseong said and then giggled which made the other two boys melt at how cute he was.

🎶I see the new and vo-🎶 Jongseong was getting a call from his brother.

"Seong when are you coming home?" "I can come home now but can you pick me up?" "Okay I'll see you in a sec send me the address though." "Okay Sunoo bye" "bye"

"That deep voice was Sunoo?" Heeseung asked clearly remembering Sunoo to have a higher voice than what he just heard.

"Yeah that was him, he knows that I'm here so he wants to sound intimidating to make sure you guys don't try anything on me I guess."

"Well I don't know what he looks like but that sure did intimidate me." Jungwon said shook from the voice he heard on the phone.

"Is he you're older brother or twin brother?" Heeseung asked.

"He's actually my youngest brother." "HUH." Heewon was shocked by this but then they all heard a car outside honking.

"Hyung! Come on Minghao hyung is cooking tonight!" They all walked outside to find a man in a car looking like he was a chauffeur.

"Okay okay." Jongseong turned around to say goodbye to his new soulmates.


The soulmates waved and then went inside.

"Well this was an interesting day,goodnight Heeseung hyung." Jungwon kissed Heeseung's forehead then went upstairs to their room to sleep. Meanwhile Heeseung was smiling knowing he would see his other soulmate tomorrow for work.

The fun is about to begin guys so hold on to your seats. Also I just updated the Cast chapter because I forgot to add that Jay loves to cross dress and wear make up and such but only he knows about it. Yeah these secrets will be revealed soon but for now enjoy the fluff because I'm gonna fuck up your emotions soon so be prepared and enjoy the happy moments for now

Love you guys ❤️

Word count: 956

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