Part 15:Knowing Each other

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Head empty
Story starts here

Miss Xu helped make dinner and then she left along with everyone else except, the parks,the Xu-Nishimura's and heewon.

As they watched the sookaijun couple walk down the driveway,Sunoo closed the door before flopping onto the couch dramatically.

"So um this was an interesting turn of events." Junhui said while playing with Minghao's hair.

Everyone was laid out on the couch in different ways. Niki was upside down,Sunoo had his feet in the air,Jungwon somehow had a foot behind his neck,Heeseung was sitting in a chair on his feet,Junhui had Minghao in his lap,Sunghoon was holding Jake hostage by trapping him in a blanket-

"Where's Jongseong?" Sunoo said after looking around.

"I think he went to go change." Minghao responded with dead eyes.

The silence didn't last long cause a loud thump was heard from upstairs followed by a loud bang against the wall.

Everyone looked around at each other before Riki said something.

"Seongie! Are you okay?" Riki had yelled while walking to the stairs.

"I need hewp pwease" Riki walked up the stairs cautiously. When he opened the door,he saw a tiny lump under a blanket and dog food spilled all over the floor.

"You okay Jayjay?" Riki said after picking up the tiny male in the blanket.

"I try feed gaeul food bu I cou not pick it up." Jayjay said with a pout. Next to him was gaeul trying to lick his hand to cheer him up.

"How about we clean this up and you can play with gaeul downstairs." Riki said while patting Jayjay's head.

"A-are hannie and Wonnie still down there?" Jayjay said as his face turned red.

"Yeah why?" Riki said while scooping dog food into a bag. When he turned back to Jayjay, something clicked.

"Jayjay are you..shy by any chance?" Riki teased with a smirk on his face.

"Jus a wittle bit! They so handsome an cute! Jus wanna cuddle them an hug them aww day." Jayjay said while looking off into the distance with heart eyes.

Riki finished cleaning as gaeul ate some of the food which was fine but she kept pushing his hand.

"Okay Jayjay its time to go down the stairs." Riki said while picking up Jayjay and the putting gaeul in Jayjay's lap.

"Do you have soulmate Kiki?" The little asked while playing with the puppies paws.

"Yeah I have Sunoo remember ?" Riki said as they walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Aww chu so cuteee I shwip." Jayjay said before Riki sat him down at the table.

Jake made eye contact with gaeul for a sec before the dog leaped in the air onto Heeseung's head.

"Gwaeul! Nwo!" Jayjay shouted while picking up Gaeul.

"It's okay Jayjay it didn't hurt." Heeseung said while Gaeul reached out to lick him as a sorry.

Jayjay blushed before turning away with Gaeul following him.

"Kiki I cold I gon get blankie." Jayjay said before waddling back up the stairs.

While Jayjay was trying to get his blanket he heard foot steps and his door clicking.

As he turned around he was face to face with a person's chest.

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