Part 11: Meeting

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Hey guys! I just came out with a new book called "The New Guy" and Jay is a cat hybrid in it so I hope you guys enjoy that story!
Anygays onto the chapter

Story starts here

(The outfit in the picture is the outfit Jay and Riki are wearing just imagine Jayjay's outfit is purple instead and Riki's stays the same.)

"Minghao Hyung,you never told me that you had a soulmate." Jungwon said while whining.

"Well to be fair,you never asked." Minghao said making Sunoo giggle.
"By the way guys,where did Jayjay and Kiki go?" Heeseung said after looking around.

"I saw them walk off to the bathroom." Minghao said making a relief wash over everyone.

I wonder what they're doing,let's go see

In the bathroom

"Kiki I think we need hwep" Jayjay said to his friend as they were struggling to put on their clothes.

"I have idea! We go big space instead!" Kiki said which made both him and Jayjay smile at the idea.

"I can swip into little when home so big Jay come out now then!" Jayjay said excited.

"Byebye Kiki!" "Byebye Jayjay!" The two best friends waved at each other good bye before slipping back into big space.

"Woah,where am I?" Jongseong said while looking around before noticing the person in front of him.

"Oh my god Seongie hyung?" Riki said seeing his best friend.

"Riki! I missed you." The best friends hugged while squealing quietly.

"I think we're at the mall,Seems like Jayjay got us some clothes." Riki said noticing the crop tops and skirts they were holding.

"We should put them on,let's just wear our normal shoes though" Jongseong said while they walked into the big stall to change.

(Btw their normal shoes are just black converse high tops)

After they finished changing

"Okay we look good in these. I look hot while you look adorable." Riki said while looking down to Jongseong.

"Yah,just because you're like 3 inches taller than me that doesn't mean you can bully me again." Jongseong said as his friend continued to pat his head.

"Whatever let's go out and find Minghao hyung." Riki said as they stuffed all of their clothes that they just changed out of in a bag.

Back with the tops

"I wonder if they're okay." Minghao said worried that they were still in little space.

"I'm pretty sure they're okay- Sunoo you okay?" Heeseung said after seeing Sunoo with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"Y-yeah um I'm okay." Sunoo said as his face turned slightly red.

"What are you look-oh Hi guys!" Minghao said as he looked in the direction Sunoo pointed at to see Jongseong and Riki.

"Hi Minghao Hyungie." Jongseong said before turning to see his two soulmates.

"Oh hey Seungie and Wonie,I didn't see you guys there." Jongseong said before blushing as his soulmates were checking him out.

"Hello there,are you Sunoo Hyung?" Riki said as he walked up to his soulmate.

"Y-yes,I-im your soulmate." Sunoo got extremely shy as Riki sat on his lap.

"Woah,woah,woah hold up you're Riki's soulmate?" Jongseong said with a shocked face.

"Um also this would be a good time to mention that Riki and Heeseung are brothers." Minghao said.

This time Jongseong turned around to Heeseung with a shocked face.

"So this whole time,the annoying older brother you talked about was one of my soulmates?!" Jongseong said looking over just to see Riki on Sunoo's lap.

"I guess so,and that cute little brother you talked about was my soulmate." Riki said while watching Sunoo blush.

"Small world..."

While Jongseong and Riki managed to get filled in on what they missed all of a sudden Jungwon slapped Jongseong's ass. In response Jongseong yelped and turned around to see his soulmates innocently smiling.

"That was a whole violation of my ass sir." Jongseong said with an appalled look.

"It's not my fault you look adorable and sexy at the same time in that skirt." Jungwon stated before grabbing Jongseong by the waist.

"Yah" Jongseong said as he suddenly got back hugged by Heeseung and got kissed on the cheek by Jungwon.

"Eww pda guys." Minghao said disgusted.

"Soobin asked if he wanted to meet up by the way."

"Wait a minute you know Soobin hyung?" Heeseung said surprised.

"How about we call all of our friends to hang out and clear stuff up cause clearly this shit is confusing." Jongseong said while pushing his hair into a ponytail.

"I call them all up I guess" Minghao said as he has realized that he probably knows everyone's friends.


Hi guys! The story is about to get more interesting so um good luck cause I'm about to fuck y'all up badly. Also thank you for the 1.18k reads! I didn't think the story would be this popular but it seems like you guys like it! I'll see you guys in the next chapter


Word count:840

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