Part 18:What Happened In The Corn Aisles?

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LOL hi- uhm so a lot of shit happened- I relapsed because of my friends at school and then I was being bullied but the staff got involved on halloween.

Uhm I also went to the hospital cause I was sick and throwing up blood and I'm making progress in my music album, I might have it finished by early 2023 like January possibly

I'm trying to work on all my fanfics but high school is so hard right now and I'm thinking of switching schools because it's too much. But anyways onto the story!


so it's the next year lol, I have resurrected and I'm okay, slowly fitting in at my school but I'm still left out a lot but that's life I guess-

How have you guys been?


hey y'all lol so I kinda finished school and it's summer break but my mom just got re-married which is a lot of stress but I don't have anyone to vent to so I'm using this space to vent lol (love y'all) but it's been pretty hectic and I had to keep pushing back the date of my fanfics

Just wanted to apologize for how long I was away and I sadly can't say that it won't happen again but I hopefully can get a better schedule of updates out and notify more. I hope to talk more with you all and never feel pressured to vent in my dms if you need to, I'm fr an internet parent so talk to me if you need to!! Stay safe my pandas.

Love you guys!!

Story Starts Here

Chaeryoung stared at the small body in horror before screaming.


This caught the attention of a few people but others saw and looked away not wanting to be involved in the situation.

She panicked as no one was coming to help her. 

She picked up Jayjay with ease and tried to look for help in the other aisles.

As she passed by a specific aisle she saw two young men looking at drinks and yelled.

"HELP ME PLEASE SIRS!" This got the attention of the men as they turned around.

"Jong...seong?" Heeseung mumbled slowly in confusion causing Jungwon to look up and turn around all the way.

"JONGSEONG!" He yelled as they both ran to Chaeryoung to carry their partner.

"I-i'm so s-sorry. I couldn't help him in t-time" The young lady stuttered through her tears while helping them hold Jongseong's body.

"It's okay ma'am, its great that you helped them at all." Heeseung said in reassurance as he carefully held Jongseong by the waist.

The small body had a bloody nose and didn't seem to be completely conscious. She kept mumbling something but nobody understood as it was just gibberish to everyone.

"What is she saying?" Jungwon asked in concern while looking at Chaeryoung hoping that the young lady would know an answer but was met with the same look of confusion hat he had on his face.

"Jongseong,baby?" Heeseung said while tapping the Youngers face.Nothing. The only change was she stopped mumbling, it was silent. Heeseung kept calling her name and tapping her face. Nothing. Tried and tried again but the body felt limp.

"hey Jayjay? Jongseong? Baby?" Jungwon kept trying other ways to wake her up but nothing seemed to work.

"W-we need to take them to a hospital right now." Chaeryoung stuttered. Both men nodded in agreement before picking up their partner and walking out of the store while Chaeryoung went to pay for everyone's groceries and following them to the hospital.

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