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"Ms. L/n, Mr. Stark asked me to tell you to go down to the 15th north Bruce lab please" Y/n sighed at the loud electronic voice booming through the room.

"Did he say please, or did you add it in FRIDAY??" Tony was not the most polite person. "His exact words were, 'Tell the creepy one to get her ass down here' Ms. L/n"

Y/n chuckled annoyed, "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." She started, "And FRIDAY... Please call me master."

FRIDAY agreed and told Tony that she was coming. She threw on some grey Nike pro shorts that barley covered her up and a sweatshirt she stole from Peitro (who isn't dead in this story) that matched her fuzzy socks. She sloppily put up her hair and walked threw some Rosey body mist before leaving her room jogging up the 3 flights of stairs.

"What the hell could you possibly want this early tin man?!" Y/n asked thoroughly annoyed, "Well someone has their panties in a twist." Tony joked as a reply, slightly regretting it with the deadpan glair y/n shot him. "Anyways wanna place a bet or two?"

Bruce strutted into the lab not noticing the people yet. He hummed along to the music he was listening to, classical probably, while grabbing a clip board with some science stuff on it. Y/n tip toed over to Tony trying not to draw attention to herself. "How long until he notices?" She questioned no loader than a whisper, "5 minutes" Tony shrugged. "No way, no longer than 1 minute." Y/n stated confidently. About 52 seconds and a half 'but who's counting' Bruce jumped at the sight of Tony and y/n I'm sitting there, heads on their hands watching him. Y/n laughed and Tony sighed dramatically digging in his pocket giving her 50 bucks. "What the actual fu-","HEY, guys." Steve interrupted emphasizing I hey to stop Bruce from cussing. "Oh-no did Brucy almost use sick foul language in your presence." Y/n chuckled glancing and tony and holding her hand out, "You know what to do Stark." She laughed as he handed her 50 more dollars. "Oh my- what did you guys bet on??" Bruce and Steve questioned.

Wanda and Peitro walked in the lab and Peitro ran over to you hugging, "Hey sexy m-" he started, "Now Tony!" Y/n interrupted holding her hand out again as Tony and her another 50 dollars. "That's the third thing today!" Bruce spoke up. "Hey, where's Nat, I don't think she's coming down-" Tony started, "Don't worry! I can go get her." Steve interrupted as you started laughing your ass off and lifting you hand. Tony huffed and gave you a 100 dollar bill before glaring at your pile of money.
"Oh, I called you down here to remind you about the party tonight. Its mandatory!!" Tony yelled the last part as she left the room.


"Y/N GET OVER HERE!!" Nat yelled, I slowly walked in, still exhausted from the 2 hour night I had, 'hmm' is all I could muster up. "Hmm? Really? You made at least 800 from stark today and you haven't gone shopping!?! You don't even have a dress for tonight!" Nat complained with Wanda urging her to continue. "1,000 actually and I have plenty to wear tonight." I replied slowly sinking into the couch. "Ahh WTF. God fucking damnit" I yelled and a sudden gash appeard on my face. "Y/n are you okay?!", "OMG YOUR FACE, EWW YOUR MOUTH!" Nat and Wanda screamed. Great, now I have to do my makeup. Of course, what the hell was he doing. "I'm confused. We need to talk." Wanda stated.

6 years ago

It was just another night at Hydra nothing special. Not until my vision became blurry and I looked at the wall remembering today was my, birthday? I think. I closed my eyes scared to open them, 'what if they did something,' I thought, 'not again, please' I was worried. I sat there for what felt like hours but was most likely 10 minutes with my eyes closed.

I slowly opened my eyes dreading what was to come. I sat blinking trying to get the rid of the blurry vision. Finally I did. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but I couldn't tell. My cell was dark so I couldn't quite see. The next day I got taken to that lab and gave a mission, simple enough, find Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff and kill them.

It didn't go as planned I got taken by the "original 6" and got treated. No more Winter I wasn't her anymore. I wasn't a bad person I was a brain washed person. That didn't matter to much. I was still a horrible soilder.

A year later I got kidnapped by Hydra and stayed for 4 years, they tried to brainwash me again and again but it didn't work. They lost. The next year I was with the Avengers. Apart of the Avengers. I got my family back, But it was strange. Ever since that blurry night I couldn't see color, Soul sign I know, I also had scares and cuts that I didn't get myself. Another soul sign? WTAF

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