The Party

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Present day

Wanda and Nat went to there rooms to get make up and dresses. When they came back I was laying in bed scrolling through Instagram hoping they would let me stay in bed all night and not worry about covering up the obvious bruising from my soulmate. "Y/nnnnnn, get your ass out of bed. Put your phone away! Come onnnnn" Natasha whined as she jumped at me. I groaned in response covering my face with a pillow. "Are you all in there?" Steve questioned probably making sure we were up and busy.
"Y/N WON'T GET OUT OF BEDDDD" Wanda told on me like a child."hey, are you okay." Steve waited and I didn't respond, "Well guess what! You get to meet my best friend from the 40's tonight! Then my two bestie's can get to know each other!" I just glanced at Steve not really wanting to go. "Here let me show you a picture." Steve ran to his room not bothering with the elevator. Wanda and Nat went through my clothes and got a few dresses to wear. I told them not to bother they laughed and did there make up. "Okay!" Steve breathed, "Here look at this. It was taken in the 40's." I glanced at the picture and grabbed it then shot up at took some of the dresses before turning around, "I can't wait to meet him." I say walking into the bathroom, "Oh and leave the picture"

" I say walking into the bathroom, "Oh and leave the picture"

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fter getting ready I looked at the picture again admiring little Steve and his hot, hot friend. After a minute of staring I grabbed my cheek and looked it the mirror, "Are you okay?" I turned to Wanda. "I'm okay my bruise just kinda burns." Nat and Wanda gave me concerning looks. I ignored them thinking they were being over protective over me.

We all went down 30 minutes late to the party. We got off the elevator and we went to the small stairs case to go to the party. "Hey sexy ladies." Sam called while Tony whistled. "Yeah we are pretty hot." Nat commented and I stood at the elevator not following. "Where's your girl?" Sam questioned. "What do yo-" Wanda interrupted Nat, "God damnit, Y/N COME ON!", "Sorry!" I unfroze realizing one of my cuts opened. "Your lip." Wanda commented, "yeah i know" I said trying to ignore it. "Y/n you look nice." Pepper said as she rushed by.

Wanda was wearing a palish Pink floor length dress with a slit at the side. Her hair was down with a waive  and tan 3inch heals-

Natasha was wearing a off  the shoulder red silk ankle length dress with dark red lace on the top

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Natasha was wearing a off  the shoulder red silk ankle length dress with dark red lace on the top. Her hair was in a mid curly ponytail with black 6inch heals-

I finally convinced them to not make me wear a dress so I let them pick something different for me

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I finally convinced them to not make me wear a dress so I let them pick something different for me. It was a black floral romper and a high neck, with a belt and a thin leather jacket. My hair was it a nice braid, thanks to Wanda, with some loose strands and strappy flats-

(This ^ but with a leather jacket, and if you don't like it I'm sorry, but you can change it

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(This ^ but with a leather jacket, and if you don't like it I'm sorry, but you can change it.:))

We all headed to the bar and I grabbed a napkin to wipe my lip. Nat and Wanda wanted a Ramos Gin Fizz which they can't make so of course I'm gonna be the bartender for at least an hour or two. I make them there drinks and we talk for a minute before a group of drunk men come to the bar. "Hey. Y/n look who came to see you." Wanda ahhed at me while I rolled my eyes and put a smile on my face. "Oh great." I quipped. The men then made it to the bar, "Hey, you! Come'er" one of them said. "Hey! Can you get me bordongk" They were obviously drunk. "I'm sorry? What would you like?", "I said get me some bournom you little bitch!" I assumed they meant bourbon so I turned and realized it was the only one on the bottom of course. I rolled my eyes and then saw Steve. I forgot they were starting at me and grabbed the bourbon. "Here you go fellas." I said, "You stupid slut. This is the wrong one!" I turned around and grabbed the other brand. "Oh nevermind you were right before" I then grabbed Sailor Jerry and poured a drink. "Can you get the crown instead, I don't want that drink." He pushed it and it fell, I caught it at shot it back. I slammed it down and it shattered at hella cut my hand. I, of course, ignored it and grabbed the crown. "It wasn't for you asshole, here, I hope you choke on it." I poured there drink and started walking away.

"It's a party sweetheart not a sleep over, put on something sexy for me! Whore" the last part was practically a whisper just for his friends, "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I snapped, "you and you dickhead friends coming over hear sexualizing me for bending the fuck over! And now your calling me a whore!" They snickered, "This little priss thinks shes something huh?" I turned around in a flash and walked towards him. "What did you call me?" I got closer to the men. No one on the team were around to see what was happening, "oh you heard me bitch, why dont you cry to your little mommy"

So funny right? Yeah my mom's dead. I lunged forward and slapped him. He fell back a little then one of his friends grabbed my wrists while a other one grabbed my boob, my fucking boob!
I slid on the bar kicking them both in the face. I then kneed a different one then uppercuted them. At this point everyone was watching. "Y/n! Stop!" Steve yelled. "Yeah! Go back to your little toy, slut." He grabbed my ass while pushing me. All his friends whistled and laughed. The whole team including Bucky saw the devilish look on my face and started furiously shaking there head. "No, no, no", "Y/N", "Hey.", "Let it go", "Come on.", "come here", "there just begging for attention", "No, y/n", "come on", "please", "oh no", "no no no no no". I chucked lightly poking my tongue in my cheek, "oh shit", Sam said. I turned on my heels quicky and did a hook kick into his face causing him to slam into the barstool, I then made my way toward his friends and they all ran out. The guy grabbed a glass and threw it at my face, it shattered. "What. The. Fuck" I punched his face over and over again. Steve went to stop me and it scared the shit out of me so I round-house kicked him in the stomach causing him to topple over.
"Oops" I said sarcastically and innocently as I proudly walked out winking at who I can only assume it Bucky making him blush.

A/N- I'm sorry about the long chapter and I know it was kinda written poorly and kinda uneventful so you don't really need to read it. Also should I make y/n have a real name or just keep it how it is?

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