Witchy Woohoo Bullshit

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A/n~ Fuck me. My dumbass decided no sleep tonight. Instead... Chapters!

where we left off.

We got on the road and made our way out of New York. After driving for hours, 8 and 1/2 approximately, we finally made it to our destination.

Me. Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia.


I made my way to the square, and in a town like this, everyone stares. When we hot off I brushed myself off and fixed my hair. Peter looked scared as fuck. So funny.

Me. Come on loser!

Peter. Okay okay!

We started walking and I did a little spin. I knew we had 2 hours at least till we needed to meet Luke.

Me. Wanna walk around?

Peter. Sure.

Me. I know the perfect place.


Peter. Wow this is huge!!

Me. That's what she said. Haha.

Peter. Y/n!!

Me. Let's see. It's been a a lot of years, but I think it's a tad too early for him to be here.

I walked up and knocked on the door pulling Peter behind me. He stumbled and then freaked when I knocked. I reassured him, hearing the lock I jumped a little.

Me. Your a bit early don't you think? There is no way Liz, John, or Lockwood is dead yet.

???. Yeah well, what can I say, I'm impatient. And concerned. Why are you here again, is Hydra still, you know.

He pointed to his head crossing his eyes. You laughed and hugged him telling him no.

He invited you inside and got you a bottle of 47' bourbon. You accepted and Peter denied. After about and hour of explaining your life Peter was dead ass starring in confusion.

Peter. Your dead?

???. Technically.

Me. Omfg dude!

Peter. What! Oh sorry sir.

Me. What the fuck- sir? What are you 12?

Peter. I'm respecting my elders!!

Me. No! Stoppppp.

Peter. Plus I don't know his name.

Me. Oh shit! I forgot!!

???. Me to! Sorry. I'm Stefan by the way.

Peter. P-P-Peter. Peter Parker.

Stefan. Nice to meet you.

??. V-V-Very nice.

Me. Ughhhh!! He's back to!!

Stefan. Unfortunately.

Me. Don't be what you don't have!!

??. What is that?

Me. A dick.

??. Oh haha, soooo funnyyy.

Me. Ik I'm hilarious.

Peter. Hey. Asshole.

You heard him mutter asshole and looked at Stefan laughing his ass off. You joined and Peter looked confused again.

??. Hey. Prick.

This time you started laughing knowing they both heard eachother. Damon looked at you with a confused pissy look.

Me. Peter, Damon, Damon, Peter. And by the way, you both have super hearing.

P&D. Oh.

Me. We should get going. I'll call you later. We'll be gone real soon. Tá boys.


You made it to the grill and went to a booth. You ordered some fries and a burger to share with Peter. He smiled as he ate.

Me. God your cute.

Peter. No. You.

Me. I love you.

Peter. I love you more. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Really. You lost someone really important, and I wasn't being considerate enough. I don't know exactly what your going through, but I could have-

Me. You were. I just didn't want it. I wanted Steve, Nat, and Tony. No one else. But it doesn't matter your hear now.

Peter. What are we doing here?

Me. Getting herbs.

Peter. Herbs-

?. Well a special herb, but first we need to discuss what it is.


Luke. I missed you more.

Peter. I'm Peter.

Luke. The soulmate... Well the currently alive soulmate.

Me. Wow, you went there. Anyways let's talk.

Luke. Okay so he is a supernatural human thing, right.

Me. He was dosed, or injected with a super soilder serum. He has been alive since 1917 and was in a Cryo. I think the serum makes him supernatural. He has, well had advanced healing, hearing, running, strength, and looks. His hair and nails also grew faster. So he has the same side affects as me. So considering the statistics, yes.

Luke. Okay I agree, but I don't think you should do this. It's gonna fuck with your head and I don't know if it will work right. You are a different, what? Uh, type of person. So I don't know how safe it really is. I won't say no. I'll respect your decision. And I'll abide by all promises.

Me. I wanna try. Okay. If something goes wrong you call Stefan, and you call Tony. Okay?

Luke. Alright.

Peter. You sure babe?

Me. Of course love. I just want to try.

Luke. Let's try it out.


A/n~ cliffhanger oooooh!! Have a good night and day Loves.

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