La Naiba

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A/n~ I don't wike it. But I love that picture above.^^

Later that week

"Please! I'm just asking you to take one moment to at least listen to me!!... Y/n!"

"No Peter!! You listen! I'm going through with it. Period. The end."

"Just take a moment of your 'oh so precious time' and hear me out!!"

"No! No, no no no, oh and did I mention NO!?"

"God fucking DAMNIT!!"

Peter slammed his hand on the table breaking part of the wood. Y/n nearly jumped out if her skin. Stefan and Damon who were sitting back enjoying the show, jumped and sat up straight.

"Will you just sit for 5 Minutes y/n? Please?"



"Look, I Know you miss him, I really do. But especially with your past, the pill addiction, I don't think you should do this. You lost him but you still have me. You want more... You want him. I can hold you why you cry. I can help you say goodbye. I can do anything and everything for you why you heal. I love you and these herbs will drive you crazy."

"I know, but I just want to say goodbye... I need to."

"Don't cry. I support you if you do want to. Just consider it. Okay?"

Someone started walking in looking around frantically. She looked at the brothers then Y/n and Peter.

"Hey, I'm Bonnie. There is a guy here, he is tall, brunette, metal arm. Really hot." Bonnie said to the four.

"Bucky!!" You screamed, "Your the anchor right?"

"Yes, but I mean, like here here. Like in the other room." She replied.

"W-what? But he- I thought- Okay." Y/n stopped for a moment, "what the fuck."

Stefan looked at you then Bonnie and cleared his throat, "Bring him in. Now."


Tears were filling in your eyes as to you waited in intisapation. When he entered the room, he looked... Different.

Not winter soilder different, like he was genuinely happy for some reason. He had a clean shave and his hair was long, like when you first met. His arm was, new. His arm was soooo cool.

You ran up and he caught you in his arms. He let out a low chuckle and kisses your hair. You slowly let go grabbing his smooth face. His smile immediately faded when you slapped him hard and went to Peter.

"Let's go. Bye Stefan, love you!!" You called out as you left.

"Byeeee, see you in a year!"

"Yeahhhh! Peter hop on."

"Y/n!! Were are you going?"
Bucky asked following you.

Peter looked over and decided to answer, "Home, I guess."

At the compound

"Y/nnnnn, you can't keep ignoring meeeeee..." Bucky said as they entered the compound.

"She said that she can." Peter replied for you.

"Peter, go away."

"Hell no. She is pissed. How the hell could you do that to her. What was the point! hm? She was broken without you, and you couldn't care less. Fuck you. Stay away. Just for a bit."

"Who in the hell do you-"

"God. Shut the hell up! Just shut up. Listen. She is pissed and confused. You need to give her space. If you can't understand that than get the hell out. Just 30 minutes."

"But-... Okay."


Bucky's room
29 minutes later

Y/n went to Bucky's room and knocked quietly. She heard a faint 'come in' so she slowly opened the door.

"Thanks for waiting." Y/n whispered.

"Parker mad sure of it."

"Well, can you explain?"

"Not now. Later."

"Come find me when your ready."

"No! Y/n, I can't. I'm not allowed to. Not yet. Steve-"

"Fuck Steve. But I understand. Just, when he gives you the okay."

"I promise."

"You look nice. The new arm."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Can I trim your hair?"

"Of course."

2 hours later.

Y/n rolled over to face a tired Bucky. He took a deep breath and smiled. She put her hand on the cheek rubbing with the bare skin gently.

"That was one hell of a welcome back." Bucky exhaled.

"Mhm... Wanna get food?" She asked.

"Can you walk?"

"la naiba"

"Hey, that's mean Romanain."

"Go get me ice cream please."

"As you wish."

Magic Words(Bucky Barnes x reader x Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now