Big night.

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That night

It was 6:45 an 1hour and 15min till my date with Peter. I had planned a small but cute date. Let's just say Pinterest has a hold on me.

I was finishing my pro and cons list about the specifics. My 6th one may I add when my alarm went off. AHHHHH, it was 7 already! I had to get ready. 'Oh no, OH NO, no, no, no. Calm down, just a date. WITH ME SOULMA-' My freak out was interrupted by a pounding on my door. Then Nat and Wanda burst in.

N- Why didn't you tell us you had a date with Peter?!

W- What the hell!

Me-(I woke up and decided bitchyness today) Oh, my bad, (sarcastic) I only tell my BAFNMW about my dates!

W- Y/n!

N- Haha, your ass got call-

W- Shut up.

W - Your not ready. Your not ready! YOUR NOT READY!?!?

ME- No. Why? I thought you would be helping Peter out.

She scoffed and they both pushed past me to my unreasonably large closet.

I have not let the fact that Wanda and Nat have different favorite Avenger friends than me go. I thought it was funny. Not to mention mine was totally Peitro and Scott when they were around. Or when me and Peit were on good terms. Sometimes us and Clint went to far with pranks.

They came out of the closet breaking me out of my slight trance by pushing clothes at me. Dresses they were all dresses. Of course. I wasn't wearing a dress. No way. Not for a party, not for a funeral, not for a wedding, and definitely not for some lousy date. I scoffed and sat down on the bed.

Me- No dresses.(Sternly)

After 10 minutes of arguing I told them we had less than and hour, know how much of girls they are and they let me not wear a dress. Yay.

We, no, they found an outfit for me and they practically dragged me to the un-needed vanity in my room. I groaned as Nat went to grab her make up. When she got back we agreed on a 'nude' look I guess, I think.

I explained my date plan and they were super excited. More than I was. Just before Nat was to start, I told Wanda to help Peter get ready, and to make sure he's not to fancy.

Me- Do NOT tell him what we are doing for the date!

W- Yes ma'am!

With that she was gone. Nat did my make up, my hair and had me change 3 times before I was 'perfect', I was far from that. She saw me roll my eyes and slapped my hand. She then said, "You are so shut up with your face." And I quote. I laughed and got the date ready. Okay, let's go.

It was 7:50 and I was pacing outside Peter's door. Waiting. Just waiting till it was 8. I looked up to see Wanda leaving his room.

W- you look great!

Me- Yeah, yeah.

W- Okay, wait 5 minutes, he'll be good by then.

Me- Okay. 5 minutes. Got it.

She decided to wait with me then bolted at 7:58. I finally had enough courage so she ran, wow. I went to Peter's door and put a note down. It was pink. Hard to miss. I then knocked and ran as fast as possible. I turned the corner to see Nat, Wanda, Steve, Peitro, and Bucky. BUCKY? HE WAS BACK. wait. Nat and Wanda were on the mission with him. I'm literally stupid. They were spying.



I kept running with them all following. I may have forgot to tell wands and Nat about part of my plan.





I ran to my room and stopped right outside the door.

Me- One, I'm going on with my date, two so he wouldn't see me, three nothing is wrong, four nothing is up, five ow my fucking feet-

S- LANGUAGE, sorry it just kinda slipped out.

Me- And six, no, sorry, but you were gone so the choice was made. Him first.

W- I'm still-

N- Soooo confused.

Me- Ugh, I left a note at his door, telling him to go to the kitchen, in the kitchen Bruce has a note, he has to tell him my favorite color-

J- Black or red!

Me- yes. And then he gets the note, from there he goes to the lab, Tony will ask him what my birthday is, and will hand him the note. I need you Nat to take this note, go to the livingroom and ask him what my favorite holiday is, then Wanda will go up to the roof and ask were I lay at night. He will come to my room and we will cuddle and watch movies, eat junk food, talk, laugh, ect.

J- wow. That was elaborate.
(He was soooo jealous, cute)

They left and I waited for about 5 minutes before Peter showed up. I made sure to text them that they would only give him the card if he got the question right.

P- Hey, you look, wow.

Me- why thank you, such a gentleman. Shall we?

P- we Shall.

Me- you like it?

P- It's perfect. Like you.

Me- flirting now are we?

P- Only for the best.

We sat and watched movies ate food. It was great. We watched star wars, step Brothers, Harry Potter, and this loser hasn't seen, 10 Things I Hate About You. So I hella made fun of him for that, then we watched it.

I loved it. We watched a few episodes of the office before I went too sleep. Not long after Peter. I of course took sleepy pictures of him. And posted them on Instagram. I had a private account thank God, so only people who new my secret had my insta.

A/n: My next update is going to be how everything looked and the insta post. So it's not entirely important, but it's there for people who perfer pictures. I personally do. Thank you. Kisses.😘

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