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A/n~ I started a new story!!          that's the cover to it^^^^ Now on to this one!↓↓


The next day I awoke to a bright light from my window. I groaned and turned into Peter's chest. In all honesty I forgot he was there so it was a bit of a shock. Then I remembered last night. We weren't drunk.

We were a bit tipsy maybe, Peter doesn't drink so he only had 2 long island ice tea's, and I have a very high tolerance due to Hydra. So I had about one bottle.

I took his shirt from the foot of the bed and put it on. He was in his boxers, I guess he put them on earlier. I laid next to him and play with his hair.

P- No I'm sleeping.

Me- Get up.. I know I wore you out last night but it's late, 12:00.

P- Mmm' No. I sleep

Me- Damn, am I that good in bed love?

P- Better than good.

Me- Okay I'm leaving without you.

P- Noooo!!!

Me- yes Peter. Come on.

P- Cum on what?

Me- goddamnit! Up now.

P- Fine!!!

He finally got up and we put on matching sweats. I wore his AC/DC shirt and he wore his blue sweatshirt. Then I put on perfume and we went down to the main kitchen.

When we got down there everyone was suffering from a major hang over. Me and Peter laughed at the sight of Tony and Nat falling asleep in there cereal. I went over to Wanda and whispered, 'Me and Peter fucked last night.' In her ear and it's like she magically healed from her hang over. I did the same to Nat and she looked like she had a stroke.







J- what Happened gal's?

Me- This is gonna be funny.




J- tell me what.

We were bickering about who would tell him by Sam high-fiving Peter while Tony looked shook, and Steve was chuckling and glancing at Me and James.

Me- Goddamnit.

N- c'mon.

W- detail's.

Me- wha- Okay.

We went to my room and sat on the floor we all started laughing at my underwear on the floor and then I explained in not so vivid details of last night. They were super girly about it. After about 5 minutes we were in tears laughing at some joke Nat made when James came into my room.

Me- Oh shit.

W- I'm gonna-

N- yeah let's go.

Me- No- wait-, uh bye.



J- Well.

Me- well what?

J- don't you have something you'd like to share with me?

Me- No.


ME- It's not your business!

J- your my soulmate to!

Me- That doesn't mean I have to share every detail of my fucking sex life with you!!

J- You slept with someone!! Then I had to hear it from Steve!

Me- did you want me to just waltz up to you and say, 'oh by the way I fucked Peter!?'

J- Yes!?

Me- It has nothing to do with you!

J- it has everything to do with me! We haven't even had a simple conversation about who-

Me- about what? Who gets to fucking CLAIM MY VAGINA??

J- No. No!

Me- Jealousy isn't a good color on you James.

J- Fuck you!

Me- You reading your to-do list now? Because I started mine last night.

J- really?! Oh my god.

Me- Look I'm not sorry that I slept with Peter. I'm not sorry I didn't tell you. I'm not sorry for yelling. AND IM SURE AS HELL NOT SORRY FOR NOT REPORTING EVERY SIDE DETAIL OF MY LIFE TO YOU!!

J- Y/N!! I just- Ugh I don't want you to "report" back to me. I just-

Me- want to even the playing field?

J- I- Uh-

I started walking towards James and smirking, "You want me to fuck you James?" I whispered. "Hm?" I inched towards his face until they were centimeters apart. I leaned in brushing my lips against his, I let out a light moan and pulled back.

Me- I'm not a game you play. You don't control me, you don't get Jealous and try to be even with Peter. If you want to fuck me, by me dinner first.

He stood there speechless as I left. When I got to the living room I saw all the Avengers sitting in shock as they watched the camera.

Me- Enjoy the show?

They all snapped back to reality and Peter gave me a high-five along with Nat.

Sam- One word. Badass.


Magic Words(Bucky Barnes x reader x Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now