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Chapter 27:

It was the time of the morning and the beach was looking beautiful. Everyone was present there and Neil was standing at the side and waiting for Avni. He did not sleep well in the last night as Avni and Ali's talks were roaming in his mind and they did not talk about yesterday's incident even didn't get the alone time as first they were angry with each other and later Ali was with them.

Neil looks at the side from where Avni can come. Neil looks around and again looks for Avni. She comes there by wearing a full-length frock.

Neil was lost to see her she was trying to make her hair strand behind the ear

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Neil was lost to see her she was trying to make her hair strand behind the ear. Neil smiles to see her and feels happy that Avni values his choice and understood his point. Neil is not a narrow-minded person but he is possessive about his closeone relations he can do anything for them. Avni looks at him and they smile to see each other. They decided in their mind that they will not talk about yesterday's incident.

Neil comes to the area where all were sitting and breakfast was arranged there and Avni was standing there.

Bebe: Avni, looking beautiful.

Avni looks at Neil who was looking at her.

Avni: thank you, Bebe. This dress is much comfortable according to this place.

Neil smiles.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: thanks to the person who made me realize that.

Neil smiles and looks down. Neil take out his phone and typed something. Avni's phone beeps. She saw Neil's message and looks at Neil.

Avni reads in her mind: thank you for understanding my point. I really don't have any problem with your wearing but I lost my calm yesterday and behaved like that. Anyways, looking beautiful and thank you for considering my wish. It means a lot.

Avni smiles and looks at Neil who blinks his eyes. They smile.

Neil sighs happily that all sorted easily and thanks to Avni who made that easy by understanding his point but Neil's happiness was of just a few seconds soon Ali comes there and stands by keeping his arms around Avni's and Aman's shoulder. Neil gets jealous.

Ali: so all reached?

Aman: yes let's start the breakfast.

All: sure.

Avni and Ali sit together and Neil on the opposite side. Everyone saw that but can't say anything and remain silent. Everyone was having breakfast but Neil's eyes were on Avni and Ali he looks at his plate then at Avni and Ali. Ali eats from Avni's plate she looks at Khanna family who did not react and looks normal. Avni looks at Neil who instantly looks at his plate and stirs his phone. Avni thinks but did not stop Ali.

Later, all the youngsters were standing near the beach and talking and clicking pictures. Neil looks at Avni who was standing with Ali.

Neil: ab, Avni.

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