Neil's happiness

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Chapter 47:

It was the time of the day, everyone was standing in the area of the living room.

Bebe: you sit and enjoy we have some work so we are just coming.

Avni looks at them she understands that they are giving her space.

Avni: can I help you with that?

They smile.

Shweta: no you spend time with your friend and we will manage you don't worry and yes, don't think that we are making an excuse we have to discuss the guest list of your reception.

Avni smiled and said OK.

Avni: if you need any help please do tell me.

Shweta: of course.

They went.

Avni: Ali, you have to come to my reception I will not listen to any explanation. No excuses.

Neil was shocked.

Ali: ok.

Avni: sit.

They sit. Neil also sits there.

Ali: here is your gift please accept that.

Avni looks into the bag.

Avni: it is a gift or gifts?

Ali smiles there were four gifts. Avni opened the first gift which was a branded purse. Avni liked that because it was her favourite brand.

Avni: wow. Ali, thank you so much. I wanted this bag.

Ali: that's why I gifted it to you.

Neil was not liking it. Avni touched the bag and check that. Avni opens a small gift and saw a watch.

Avni: so cute.

Avni tried that.

Avni: how is it looking?

Ali signs that looking awesome.

Avni: Neil?

Neil smiles fakely.

Neil: Nice.

Avni keeps the watch in the box and opened the third gift and saw her favourite perfume.

Ali: your favourite perfume.

Avni: you still remember that.

Ali: of course how can I forget this?

Neil rolls his eyes.

Avni inhales the smell of perfume.

Now the last gift. Avni opened that and saw the chocolates. Avni gets excited.

Avni: chocolates.

Neil was surprised to see her excitement. Avni eats the one.

Avni: Ummm.

Ali smiles.

Avni: Ali, all gifts are so good but I can't take them.

Ali: why?

Avni: these all are so expensive I...

Ali: I bought them for you and you have to accept them. These are your wedding gifts.

Avni: I know that but...

Ali: no if no but. I bought them with so much love and you are talking nonsense.

Avni looks at the gifts.

Ali: and the gift should not be returned.

Avni looks at him and the gifts.

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