Ice cream date

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Chapter 28:

At the time of the night, the resort was lighted by multiple colours lights and was looking beautiful. A door of the room opened and it was Neil he looked up and was surprised to see the person.

Neil: Avni, you?

Avni: yes, me.

Neil: come, come inside.

Avni: no thanks, are you free?

Neil nods and said yaa.

Avni: then change your clothes and come. We are going to buy rings.

Neil frowns.

Neil: now?

Avni: yaa.

Avni looks at her watch.

Avni: it's 9 o'clock only.

Neil: ok. At least come inside till when you stand here if someone saw you then it will be a problem.

Avni: I don't care maybe you fear from the people but I don't. I can say them that I am standing outside my room.

Neil looks at her.

Neil: even I don't care about people but I don't want that anyone say you anything because of me especially Bua. So, please come inside.

Avni without saying anything goes inside. Neil closed the door and looks at her.

Neil: you sit. I am just coming.

Avni nods and Neil goes. Avni sits on the couch. She looks around and waits for Neil. He comes back and put the wallet into his pocket.

Neil: let's go.

Avni gets up and they went. On the way, they were silent, again silence and awkwardness took over them they were not understanding what to say. Avni was looking outside and Neil was driving the car he looks at Avni and again focus on the road. Soon, they reached the market and walked around to find the shop. It is an arranged marriage but still they don't want to compromise on anything so they didn't like any ring and walked out from it and went to another shop where Neil liked a ring for Avni but was feeling awkward to ask Avni even he was confused that why he is feeling like this. Neil picks that and shows that to Avni without saying anything. Avni saw that and looks at him.

Avni: but I have my ring. We came to buy a ring for you.

Neil: I liked it so thought to show you maybe you like it.

Neil signs take it. Avni takes that and tried that. It fits her finger and she shows it to him. Neil nods. Avni removed the ring and gives that to the shopkeeper.

Avni: pack it.

Neil looks at her.

Neil: do you like it? I mean.

Avni: it is nice. I like it now buy for you.

Neil: I am confused.

Avni: let me help you.

Avni looks at the rings.

Avni: which type of rings do you like?

Neil: simple plan ring.

Avni nods. Avni looks around and shows him one ring.

Avni: try it?

Neil takes that and tried but it didn't fit.

Avni: let me see something else. She choose the second one and Neil tried that and shows her.

Avni: Is it OK?

Neil: yaa.

Neil gives that to the shopkeeper and asked him to pack up. Neil gave the credit card.

Avni: I will pay for...

Neil cuts her.

Neil: let me pay now we will see this matter later.

Avni takes out the credit card and gives it to the shopkeeper.

Avni: cut the amount of male's ring from it and the lady's ring from his card.

Neil looks away in anger.

Avni: it is not about payment. It is about the fact you know that engagement rings, girl's family buy for boy and boy for a girl.

Neil: and where it is written?

Avni was about to say but the shopkeeper gives them the card and bags. Neil grabs them and said thank you to the shopkeeper and goes out. Avni was looking at him she looks at the man then she thinks and goes out. Avni looks at Neil who was waiting for her. He get down from the stairs and Avni followed him and stops to see that.

Avni: Gorilla.

He stops.

Avni: ice cream.

Neil turns she points at the ice cream parlour.

Avni: I want to eat it annnd you also need it.

Neil frowns.

Avni: your engine, I mean, your brain is hot now so the ice cream will cool down it.

Neil looks at her and smiles.

Avni: see, it works. Just its name and you smiled and when you eat it then you can think with a cool mind.

Neil shook his head and smiles.

Neil: let's go.

Avni smiled and they went. They were sitting at the table and eating ice cream.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni was eating her ice cream.

Avni: just one bite and you got your mind back. Not bad.

Neil gives her a look. Avni smiles.

Avni: ok, ok. I am sorry.

Neil: Avni, in the morning, I

Avni: Neil, let it be. I know it was not your fault. I don't know what happened to me, I was shocked to see your condition. I was worried and got panicked and lashed out my anger at you. I am sorry.

Neil: you were worried for me?

Avni: of course, your condition wa...

Avni realized what she was about to say, she looks at Neil who was curiously looking at her.

Avni: ab, you was coughing so I. was. worried.

Avni looks at her cup and eats her ice cream she didn't understand what to say.

Neil nods by making a pout and looks at her and said while looking at the table.

Neil: o.k.

Avni nods and wipes her upper lips in embarrassment.

Neil smiles to see her and eats his ice cream happily. He was happy to know that Avni worries for him and also everything is sorted between them, with that, he also understands that their relationship is that much strong that they can solve the matter by talking about it and can resolve it in a day. Neil looks at Avni while eating his ice cream who was avoiding looking at him.

Later, Avneil were laying on the bed and smiling to think about each other and their ice cream date.

Two days pass like this and it was their engagement day, the venue was beautifully decorated and all were excited. Avni was sitting on the bed and her family was talking over something and she was looking at them and the same thing was with Neil but the scene was slightly different they were arguing by standing over Neil's head and he was looking at them he hides his face in his hands and rubs his face.

Avneil shouts together: stop it.

The family looks at them they get up in their rooms. They look at them and goes out where they stop to see each other and looks at each other.

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