Life or Death

852 168 65

Chapter 150:

It was a time of the day, Avni was laying on the bed and was sleeping but suddenly she frowns. She felt a pain in her abdomen and she kept her hand on her womb. Avni squeezed her eyes and the intensity of the pain increased.

Avni: aah.

Avni was in severe pain. She clenched the bed sheet. Avni was wriggling because of pain.

Avni: Neil.

Avni tried to shout but was not able to call Neil. Avni was drenched in sweat.

Avni cried out loudly: aaahhh.

Avni gathered her all strength and shouts Neeiiil... Aah. Neeillll.

Neil was passing by the corridor. He was coming to the room. He stopped to hear Avni's cry.

Avni: Neeeilll.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: Avni.

Neil rolled his eyes then he runs. Neil stopped at the door and collided with the wall. Neil was shocked to see Avni who was in severe pain.

Neil: Avni.

Neil looked out of the door.

Neil: Mom, Bebe. Mom, please come to my room fast

Neil looked at Avni and he came to her. Neil sat at Avni's side. Avni was crying because of pain. Neil holds Avni's arm.

Neil: what happened, Avni, han?

Avni was crying.

Avni: aahh. It is paining.

Neil: where? Your abdomen?

Avni nodded. Neil was shocked. He thinks.

Avni: aaahhh.

Neil looked at Avni and panicked. Neil gulps and starts caressing Avni's hair.

Neil: Mom.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: relax, nothing will happen? Just relax.

Shweta and Bebe also came.

Shweta: what happened, Tillu, wh...

Shweta stopped to see Avni. Bebe and Shweta were shocked. They came to Avneil. Neil was caressing Avni's hair. Neil looked at them.

Shweta: what happened?

Neil: her abdomen is paining.

Shweta and Papa were shocked. They looked at each other then they looked at Avni. Neil got up and goes to pick up his kit from the shelf. Neil came back. He opened the kit and saw the stethoscope is missing. Neil checked in the box.

Neil: where did it go? I kept it here.

Neil was finding it. Avni was in pain.

Shweta: what are you finding, Tillu?

Neil: stethoscope.

Shweta: stethoscope.

Shweta looked around and saw it on the table.

Shweta: Tillu, it is on the table.

Neil looked at the table. He goes and picked up the stethoscope then he came back. Neil checked Avni's PB.

Neil: her BP is low.

Bebe and Shweta were shocked. Neil checked Avni and was shocked. Neil looked at Avni who was wriggling because of pain.

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