Clash between Avneil

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Chapter 116:

It was the time of the morning, the sun was shining brightly over the Khanna mansion and inside it, Avni came into the room and she directly goes to the cupboard and opened it. Avni got a 440-volt shock to see the cupboard which was almost empty. Some old clothes were kept on two shelves. Avni gets furious, she starts searching for the clothes of her baby in the clothes. Neil was standing near the door and he was looking at Avni. Neil gets emotional to see Avni but he had to do that. Neil came to her. Avni looked at him then she again starts searching.

Avni: our baby's things were kept there where those things went.

Neil remains silent. Avni was trying to get a single thing of the baby in them. She was searching again and again in the same clothes. Neil was looking at her.

Neil: Avni, what are you doing? You will not get anything by doing this. Those things are not there.

Avni did not listen to him.

Avni: we kept them here. I remember that clearly.

Avni: soft toys and other toys were kept on these two shelves and baby's clothes were there and our clothes were on these two shelves. Then, where did those things go?

Avni starts searching.

Neil: Avni.

Neil holds Avni's arm but she removes his hand.

Avni falls the clothes of one shelf on the floor then she did the same with the second shelf.

Avni shouts: where are my baby's things?

Neil shouts: I removed them from here.

Avni was shocked. Avni was looking at Neil. Avni closed her eyes to calm herself.

Avni: Neil, see, give me back my baby's things.

Neil: never.

Avni: Neil, please, give me back my baby's things.

Neil cups her face. Avni was fuming.

Neil: Avni, try to understand, those things will only give you pain, nothing else. Please, understand and accept the reality.

Avni gets angry. She pushed Neil.

Avni: keep your nonsense to yourself and give me back my baby's thing.

Neil was looking at her emotionally.

Avni: those are my baby's things and I will not let anyone snatch them from me.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: your baby?

Avni was looking at him. Neil gets angry.

Neil: That was my baby too, Avni.

Avni: yeah, that's why you hid its things.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: you want to remove the memories of my baby, you want to snatch its scent, its feel from me. How easily you forgot our child and moved on and you are claiming that you love our baby.

Neil was shocked at an extreme level.

Neil: you think this about me, Avni?

Avni was looking at him. Neil shook his head. Avni looked away and folded her arms

Neil: fine, I don't love our baby. I didn't get affected by its loss. I was not emotionally connected to that and I have moved on, yes, I have forgotten our baby. Are you happy now?

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: and I am sorry I touched your baby's things. I came between you. But don't worry from now I will not interfere in your life. You can do whatever you want, I will not stop you.

Neil takes out the keys from his pocket, he holds Avni's hand and keeps the keys there. Avni looked at the keys then she looked at Neil who was in anger.

Neil: you are free to do whatever you want. I will not interfere in your life. It is Neil Khanna's promise.

Neil looked at Avni, their eyes locked, Neil broke that and glanced at Avni once then he goes from there. Avni was looking at him then she looked at the keys.

Neil furiously passed by the living area and the family was sitting there. They saw Neil then they looked at one another. Shweta sighs. All were worried for Avneil.

Avni goes to the storeroom where she saw two new suitcases she sat there and opened one. Avni got emotional, she touched the things. Avni picked up the smurf and kissed that.

Avni sat all the things back in the cupboard and touched them; her eyes were moist but the tears did not fall from her eyes.

At the time of the night, Avni was standing in the room carrying a phone, she was waiting for Neil. She looked at the phone and was about to dial a number but she heard the car horn and she goes to see. A car stopped and Neil came out, Avni gets relief and she sighs.

Neil entered the room and saw Avni standing in the room. Neil ignored her, he grabbed his clothes from the cupboard and he goes to change. Avni was looking at him. Neil came back, he goes to bed and lay by switching off the lamplight. Avni was looking at him. She thinks.

The next morning was also not so pleasant, Avni and Neil were giving called behaviour to each other. Avni was getting ready for the office by standing near the mirror and Neil was putting on his watch. Neil's phone rings and he goes to get it from the table.

Neil: Hello, yes, I am coming... yes, I am doing this in the memory of my child.

Avni looked up at Neil in the mirror. She turns. Neil cuts the call and kept the phone in his phone. Neil goes. Avni was looking at him.

Avni in mind: what is Neil doing? And why did Neil say that he is doing that in the memory of our child?

Avni thinks.

At the time of the night, Avni was waiting for Neil as she wants to know why Neil said that he is doing that in the memory of their child. The door opened and Avni got up. Neil came back carrying a coat in his arm. Avni saw him. Neil saw her then he ignored her and was coming to the couch.

Avni: Neil.

Neil stopped but he did not turn to Avni.

Avni: Where were you today?

Neil frowns and turns to her. Neil looked around then he looked at Avni and pointed at himself "me".

Neil: you are talking to me?

Avni looked at him.

Avni: You were talking to someone in the morning and were saying that you are doing this in the memory of our child. What had you done?

Neil: oh so you were overhearing me.

Avni frowns.

Neil: and why would I tell you? If you remember then I told you that I will not interfere in your life so I can expect the same from you. Isn't it.

Neil looked at Avni then he turns and throws the coat on the couch and starts removing his watch. Avni gets angry.

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