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Hello, hope you all are fine and doing well in your life.

I want to clarify some things so I thought to share a note here as most of the people don't read announcements.

I am not happy with the response of any of my stories. I don't know what is the reason. There was a time when 300+ people read my stories and now it is declining. Maybe, I am publishing the stories daily that's why people are taking me for granted. Maybe, people have got bored of reading my stories on daily basis. Sometimes, I think that I should not have started writing. If I did not start it then my life would have been easy. Literally, I have faced a lot since I started writing. In beginning, I was used to arguing but then I realised that I am doing wrong. Criticism is part of life but I thought that person knows me and will understand my point.

I am not a part of any of groups. I started writing as Avneil and Naamkarann are my favourites. Being an introvert, I think about little things, even I hesitate to answer people's comments and answer them after thinking and sometimes leave that by thinking that maybe I will sound rude. Even if I write thank you, I felt that maybe it offend someone that why is she giving replies, she is doing that for more votes and comments.

There was a group who used to comment in another language which I didn't understand so I didn't talk in between them. Some people asked me to read their stories and when I don't do that they stopped reading my stories. It is their wish to read or not but I want to clarify that I have my own choice of reading stories. I like emotional stories. I admit that everyone do hard work and there are much better writers than me. I appreciate their work and my best wishes are with them. But, I can't read the stories in between the author used to joke, it breaks my tempo and offends me, I like to read clean and clear, pure stories. Maybe people like those jokes but I don't.

I am not a teenage girl maybe that's why I don't like the jokes in between the story.

I also don't have the time to read stories as I update the stories on daily basis and it almost takes my two to three hours to write and one to one and half hours to edit and then family time so it is difficult for me to read. So, don't think that I am rude and have the attitude that's why I am not reading the stories.

So, these were some things that I want to say. Sorry, if I hurt someone.

Thank you.

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