Lion's roar

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Chapter 144:

It was the time of the night, an ambulance stopped outside the hospital. Inside the hospital, Neil was sitting on the bench by holding the bench. Everyone was worried. Neil sighed and looked up at his family. Neil looked down and got up.

Neil: I am going to Avni. You all go home, I will bring Avni.

They nod.

Aman: I will stay here with Jiju.

Neil: Aman, no need of it. You can go.

Ashish: Aman is saying right, Neil, someone should be with you.

Neil nods. Prakash came to him and kept his hand on Neil’s shoulder.

Prakash: take care of yourself and Avni.

Neil nods. They go. Neil signed Aman that he is going to Avni. Aman nods.

Neil looked at the door and thinks.

On the other side, Avni was laying on the bed which was kept in the corner. She touched her belly.

Avni: don’t worry, baby, you are fine now. You heard, right? what did doctor aunty say? She said you are absolutely fine.

She smiled but deep inside her heart she was worried. She thinks.

Avni: where is Neil? Why did he not come here till now?

Avni thinks. The door opened and Avni looked at the door. Neil entered the room and looked up. Avni smiled to see him and her eyes were teary. Neil closed the door and turned to her. Neil smiled. Neil was going to her.

Avni: Neil.

Avni forwards her hand. Neil came to her and holds her hand. Neil stands near her. Neil caressed Avni’s hair with his second hand. Neil kissed her forehead. Avni closed her eyes. They looked at each other.

Avni: Neil, our baby?

Neil looked at her then he smiled fakely which disturbed Avni, she knows Neil better than any other person.

Neil: our baby is absolutely fine.

Avni looked at him suspiciously.

Avni: then why you are worried?

Neil was shocked.

Neil: n, no.

Neil closed his eyes.

Neil: Actually, I was so worried for you and baby so maybe that’s, that’s why you are feeling it.

Avni: yo, you are saying the truth, right?

Neil was keeping his hand on her head.

Neil: yes. Don’t you trust me?

Avni: I trust you blindly but I also know that when it comes to me and our baby then you can lie to me also.

Neil was stunned to hear it.

Neil: nothing is like that. Everything happened in a bit of a moment that I could not understand anything and on top of that the fear of losing you both. I, I am still in shock.

Avni was looking at him, she was not satisfied. Neil cupped her face with one hand.

Neil: trust me, Avni, our baby is absolutely fine. If you and the baby were not fine then would the doctor have given you discharge, hmm?

Avni: means?

Neil nods.

Neil: yes, you got discharged.

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