Cute Avneil

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Chapter 149:

Time flew and two months passed like this, Neil and the Khanna family took care of Avni. During these two months, Avni was also careful and she goes to the office and worked by sitting there comfortably on the couch. She didn’t drive the car during this period because she was prohibited by the doctor and Neil also asked her to do that even though she, herself wanted to do the same and now Avni was the seventh month pregnant.

One day, Avni and Neil were present in the cabin of the doctor. The doctor was doing a sonography of Avni. Neil was also standing there. Avneil saw the child and they got emotional to see their baby who was moving in the womb. They smiled with teary eyes. The doctor looked at them and smiled to see them. Avneil looked at each other and smiled.

Avneil was sitting in the doctor's cabin.

Doctor: now, the seventh month has started and now you need to be extra careful. The baby will grow and your ovary is weak so we have to be extra careful.

Avneil got worried.        

Neil: baby is fine, right? Nothing is there to worry?

Doctor: yes, the baby is fine, you, yourself saw how it is enjoying in the womb.

Avneil smiled. The doctor also smiled.

Doctor: but.

Avneil’s smile faded.

Doctor: I think, normal delivery will not be possible.

Avneil were shocked.

Doctor: maybe. Maybe. Don’t panic, I am just telling you the facts. It can happen.

Avni: I am not afraid of any type of surgery, I just want my baby to be safe. If there will be the need of doing a C-section then I am ready for it. Just save my baby.

The doctor smiled but Neil thinks. He wants Avni and the baby both to be safe.

Doctor: that’s the spirit.

Avni smiled, she looked at Neil and kept her hand on his hand. Neil came out of his thoughts and he looked at her. Avni assured him that everything will be fine. Neil smiled and nodded.

Later, Avni was laying in the fowler’s position. Neil entered the room and he was disturbed because of what the doctor said so Neil didn’t look at Avni and was going to the couch.

Avni: Neil.

Neil stopped and he looked at Avni. Avni spreads her arms and signed him to come. Neil looked down and he came to her. Neil sat but he was looking down. Avni cupped Neil's face.

Avni: what happened to my second baby, hmm?

Neil shook his head.

Avni: you are worried about C-section. Right?

Neil nods by looking down. Avni smiled. Neil looked at her and he broke down. Neil hugged Avni and cried. Neil gulped and he cried. Avni was caressing his hair.

Avni: hey, it's ok. It's ok. It's ok.

Neil kissed Avni's hair. Avni wanted to break the hug but Neil hugs her tightly. Avni looked at Neil and she again hugged Neil. Avni caressed Neil's hair who was crying. After some time, Avni broke the hug and Neil was looking down. Avni cupped Neil's face. Neil was looking down. Avni wipes Neil's tears.

Avni: it's ok, Neil. It is not a big deal.

Neil sobs.

Avni: aww, my baby is sobbing.

Avni wipes Neil's tears and smiles.

Avni: you are a doctor, Neil and you are afraid of C-sections.

Neil looked at Avni and his nose was red.

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