One more storm to hit

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Chapter 136:

The fact of life is that it never stops for anyone as people says, the show must go on. Sometimes, things will be in our favour, sometimes on the opposite side but life will go on.

Seconds passed in minutes, minutes in hours, hours in days and days in months. Neil and the Khanna family took care of Avni and let her do what she wants. Avni also follows what the doctor said to her. She had healthy food and took medicines on time. She also goes to the office with the driver who was instructed by Neil to drive carefully. She wears frocks and Kurti. Avni mostly worked by sitting on the couch comfortably and like this two months passed. Now Avni is three months pregnant.

One day, Avni was standing near the dressing table and was checking her belly. She was touching it and moves to see that her womb came out and not. Neil was standing by leaning to the door and was adoring the cute acts of his wife. Avni pressed her lips by looking at the belly.

Avni: tch, when will my womb come out? It is the same as it was two days ago.

Neil chuckles at her. Avni makes a sad pout. Suddenly, Avni's eyes fall on Neil in the mirror and she was shocked to see him. Neil saw that she saw him. Neil stands properly. Avni composed herself. She sets her hair with her hands and gulps by avoiding Neil. Neil came to her and he turns Avni to the mirror, he holds Avni's wrists and he hugged her from behind. Avni was looking down. Neil looked at Avni's belly.

Neil: I think, your womb has come out.

Avni blushed and Neil kept his chin at Avni's shoulder.

Neil: isn't it?

Avni turned to him and hugs him. Neil smiled them he see her. Avni hid her face in Neil's chest and her hair blocked Neil's view. Neil kept away the hair and smiled to see the blush of his lady don.

Neil holds Avni's arms. He makes her away. Avni was looking down. Neil cupped her face.

Neil: soon, our baby will be with us.

Avni looked at Neil and her eyes filled with tears.

Avni: this will happen, right?

Neil: yes, this will happen. Like three months have passed remaining months will also pass like this and then our cute doll, our princess will be in our arms.

Avni asked cutely: how do you know that it is a baby girl?

Neil: because I am a doctor.

Neil winked. Avni was surprised. Neil took his hands back.

Avni: it is really a girl?

Neil smiled.

Neil: nooo. I am just kidding. Only three months have passed, how can we get to know now.

Avni: then?

Neil: after one, two months, but I may not understand that it is a baby boy and girl. I mean, I can read the reports but the possibility is there that I may not understand who is it. A boy or a girl. I am not a gynaecologist.

Avni makes a sad face.

Neil: Avni, I believe that whoever it will be, a boy or a girl but it should be healthy and fine.

Avni smiled.

Avni: right.

Then she thinks and Neil sensed her tension.

Neil: what happened?

Avni looked at him.

Avni: only three months have passed. The doctor said that the initial four-five months are important.

Neil cupped her face.

Neil: Avni, everything will be fine you just stay strong, hmm.

Avni nods. Neil kept her head on his chest and hugged Avni. Avni thinks.

Later, Avni was sitting on the bed and was looking tense.

Avni: Why I am feeling restless? Why I am feeling that something is going to happen.

Avni recalled the doctor's word, "you have to be extra careful this time especially the initial months as initial months are really crucial, initial four months are really very critical.

Avni touched her belly.

Avni: please, baby, be strong. You are mamma's strong baby, right?

Avni got worried and was scared also. To change her mind, she took a novel and glasses from the side table. She wore the glasses and start to read the novel.

Neil entered the room and he saw Avni is reading a novel by wearing the glasses. Neil smiled to see her. He sensed that she is tense about something. Neil smiled and he came to her. Neil sat on the bed.

Neil: what are you doing, wifey?

Avni looked at him and smiled. She closed the novel.

Avni: I am eating the omelette.

Neil makes a face. Avni smiled. Neil smiled to see her. He shook his head. Avni removed her glasses

Neil: do you want coffee?

Avni was keeping the novel and glasses on the side table. She was surprised. Avni turned to Neil.

Avni: you will make it?

Neil smiled.

Neil: no, I have asked Bheema Di.

Avni smiled.

They heard the knock on the door and saw Bheema who came with a tray and cup of coffee. Neil took the tray. Avni was looking at the cup then she looked at Neil.

Neil: thank you. You can go.

Avni looked at Bheema. Bheema nods and goes. Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him.

Neil: what?

Avni: my coffee?

Neil: here it is.

Avni: your?

Neil: here it is.

Avni frowns.

Avni: means?

Neil smiled.

Neil: we both will have the coffee from the same cup. Because sharing is caring.

Neil smiled. Avni also smiled. Neil sipped the coffee and passed the cup to Avni who also sipped the coffee. Avni passed the cup to Neil who sipped then he made Avni have coffee with his hands. Avni smiled and sipped. She also holds the cup and makes Neil have the coffee. They smiled to see each other and enjoyed the coffee. They stole some cute moments.

Later, Bebe and Shweta were sitting in the living area and Maddy came there. Bebe smiled to see her.

Bebe: Maddy? Come. What a pleasant surprise.

Maddy smiled and Shweta makes a face.

Shweta in mind: don't know, now what new drama she has come to create.

Shweta smiled fakely to see Maddy.

Shweta: come, come, Maddy Jiji.

Maddy smiled but she was hesitating. She sat and was fidgeting her fingers. She rubbed her hands. Shweta and Bebe frown to see her.

Bebe: what happened, Maddy? Is everything alright?

Maddy: Yeah, yeah, Bebe.

Maddy licked her lips.

Maddy: Bebe, where is Neil?

Bebe: he is in the study room, he is studying a case. Why?

Shweta: what happened, Maddy Jiji, why are you asking about Tillu?

Maddy: Bebe, I want to talk to you about something important.

Bebe: yes, say.

Maddy was looking at her. Shweta and Bebe were confused to see her as she never talked like this. They looked at each other then they looked at Maddy who was hesitating.

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