Neav's naming ceremony day

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Chapter 165:

It was the daytime. The sun was shining over the Khanna mansion which was decorated for Neav's naming ceremony. Shweta and Bebe were preparing for the naming ceremony and Prakash was also with them. Neil was passing by the corridor and he heard Neav's crying. Avni was trying to calm Neav but he was crying badly.

Avni: calm down, bacha.

Avni felt helpless. Avni looked at Neav. Neil entered the room and he saw Avni looking at Neav sadly. Neil came to them.

Neil: what happened, Avni? Why is he crying?

Avni turned her face to hide her tears.

Neil: give him to me.

Neil took Neav from Avni.  Avni sobs. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: now what happened to you?

Avni wiped her tears and shook her head.

Neil: What is this, Avni? Children cry like this.

No reply. Avni goes to the bed by wiping her tears and sits. Neil looked at Neav.

Neil: what did you do, Tiger? You made mamma cry.

Avni looked at them and her eyes were teary.

Avni: don't scold my Neav.

Neil looked at Avni and smiled. Avni looked away. Neav stopped crying. Neil came to the bed and sits while sighing. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Avniiii. Children do this.

Avni looked away and her eyes were teary. Neil smiled to see her.

Neil: you know, there is no difference between you and Neav.

Avni looked at Neil cutely. Avni's eyes and nose were red because of crying.

Neil: really. You are also looking like a baby right now. You are crying like a baby. You don't believe me. OK then ask Neav.

Neil looked at Neav.

Neil: What say, Neav? Mamma also cries like babies. Right?

Neav was lost in his world. Avni made a sad face. Neil chuckled to see her.

Avni: I am serious, Neil.

Avni sobs. Neil was smiling. Neil pinched her nose.

Neil: aww, my cute wifey. Children do this. They can not tell what they want so they cry. A mother understands what her child wants.

Avni: but I am not able to understand what my Neav want. I am a bad mother.

Neil: Are you mad, Avni? You understand Neav more than us.

Avni looked away.

Neil: you are unnecessarily taking tension.

Neav vomits and Avneil looked at him. Neil makes Neav's head up so that he can vomit. Avni grabbed the hanky and she wiped Neav's face with it. Avni was upset. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Everything is fine. These all things are normal.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: It is not the first time, Neav vomits. Children usually vomit when they have milk. If you have rubbed his back then maybe he might not have vomited.

Avni: this is what I am trying to say that I am not able to take care of Neav. I forgot to rub his back

Neil made a face.

Neil: Avni, if Neav vomits then it doesn't prove that you are a bad mother. It happens. You say, didn't you make day and night one for Neav? Literally, you are putting your double efforts than a normal mother. Avni, we are not like those normal parents who have more than one baby. We have only one baby and we both are well aware of the fact that how much we craved for a baby. You also decided to leave me, so that I get an heir.

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