Chapter 2- I don't remember you

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Dan's POV-
Energy was coursing through my veins as I sat on the train to go to the Lester house in Manchester. My knees were bouncing so bad that the man sitting next to me moved seats as far away as possible. I was confused as to why Phil had to go home and not to our apartment. Maybe family only could take him home? If that was the case then at least I could take him home today.
An hour into the train ride a girl sat next to me and began to play on her phone. From the animal sounds I could tell it was Crossy Road, another one of Phil's favourite games. The thought of Phil made me smile, but the girl saw me smiling at nothing and scooted away. Little did she know what I had been put through as she was probably twelve; she didn't understand.
"Are you that emo guy?" She asked suddenly and I stared at her in confusion. Who was she calling emo? "What's it? Dan Howell! Danisnotonfire on YouTube I think. My friend is obsessed with you and your boyfriend."
"Phil isn't my boyfriend." I said quickly. As much as I wanted him to be, we weren't, and we could never be because the subscribers would freak out and Phil was straight and the world would explode. After all, Phan was the biggest ship on YouTube. "We're just best friends."
"That's funny, because my friend made me watch one of your videos- Philisnotonfire 6 I think it was- and you two seem awfully close."
"Best friends." I repeated, bored of the conversation already. The girl was obviously not part of the phantom otherwise she would know the top rule: don't speak about Phan to our faces. I knew for sure Phil was not comfortable with it, and even though I wanted it to be real I hated how the fans would try to push it on us. Just because we seem very close does not mean we're dating.
"If you say so." The girl sighed and resumed playing on her phone. "Didn't your boyfriend make a character on Crossy Road?" She asked after ten seconds of awkward silence.
"He isn't my boyfriend!" I argued, staring at her in annoyance. She was fairly pretty with long fair hair and cute little features that included a button nose, plush pink lips and big blue eyes. She wore a hot pink skirt with black tights and a black shirt with skull and crossbones on it. Not the sort of style I like but nice anyway. From her height and the way she acted I decided that she probably was twelve. And a snobby twelve year old. I didn't like her.
"Where is he now?" She asked casually not taking her eyes off the game on her phone.
"I'm visiting him." I told her. I wanted to drop the subject so I didn't have to explain so I asked her where she was going. She told me to meet up with an old friend. That's when a proper conversation broke out between us and she became my train ride companion. I learned that her name was Emma and she was twelve and the friend she was visiting was called Lauren. Emma liked to draw and chew gum and that was about it whereas Lauren was into horse riding and YouTube, but only watched Pewdiepie. They sounded like an odd pair but I didn't say anything about it.
When it was Emma's stop I was almost sad to see her go, but she had been annoying so I wasn't and enjoyed the rest of the ride without her. It was in the evening when I arrived at Manchester but it was still bright so I did what Mrs Lester had said and went to the park.
Phil's POV-
My head hurt and I was confused.
Not only that, but my parents keep giving me strange looks as if I should know something. They didn't say anything about of course, but it left me wondering. What did they want me to know? Had I forgotten to take my medicine or something? No. Was my nose squished in? Nope. Then what was it?
"Phil, come out of your room!" Mum called and I sighed. She still acted as if I was a fourteen year old, which was annoying, but I loved her so I didn't say much about it. "Philip Lester, your dinner is ready!"
"Coming!" I replied and joined my parents and brother downstairs at the dinner table. On my plate was a load of chips and three large slices of pizza. Delicious. We ate it slowly so we had more time to chat before my mum suggested that I should go to the park. She told me it would clear my head and get me some fresh air after being cooped up in a hospital for two weeks. I reluctantly agreed and grabbed my coat that was too small. I needed to buy a new one. "I'll be back in an hour!" I called and left the house whilst trying to zip up the coat. I had no such luck and decided to just leave it open; it wasn't cold anyway. The park was two minutes away and not very big: it consisted of a slide, swings, roundabout, a fountain and a cluster of trees all in one place. The rest was just green grass to play football on like I had done when I was a kid. My while life up until this point was a blur, but the doctors told me it was a side effect and I'd be fine in less than a week. I hoped they were right.
I walked towards the fountain, hands in pockets, until a shrill voice called my name. I looked up, expecting it to be my mum with pepper spray or something, but there was a man a little younger than me running in my direction. He was very pretty: chocolate eyes and cinnamon hair that was in a fringe like mine, only on the other side. He was a little pale and skinny but he could run very fast. Only he was running straight towards me. I stood up in confusion and looked behind me to see if there was anyone there, but other than the man I was the only one in the park. And he had called my name. Did I know him?
"Phil!" He cried as his arms wrapped around me and he buried his face into my neck. I could feel something warm soak me and I knew he was crying, but I couldn't be the person he was looking for. I had no idea who he was! "Oh my god, I thought- I- you were out and then- oh fudge Phil you scared me to death!"
Extremely creeped out, I took his shoulder awkwardly and pushed him away, as gently as I could. He must have someone who looked like me called Phil, because I had absolutely no idea who the heck he was. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked politely.
The man looked at me in shock horror. His eyes were wet and wide, tears spilling from them, and they were beautiful. I would remember someone with those eyes. "It's me, Dan." He croaked.
"Um..." I inched away slowly but he grabbed my sleeve and held on.
"You must remember me?" Dan asked in disbelief, still clinging onto the cuff of my sleeve. "You must, Phil, you must!"
I shook my head in a wordless shock. "No, I-I don't."
Something like despair settled onto his face and he stiffened. I could have swore I saw his heart breaking through his eyes, but I said nothing and turned to leave. He released my sleeve so his hand dropped to his side like a rag doll and he watched me hurry away, my movements quick and desperate. I didn't want to be in his presence. Clearly he was getting people mixed up. But the way he had looked at me... Something sparked in my brain but I didn't know what it was. Maybe something from my last? But how could I forget someone like that? He was beautiful. And if he was from my past life what would he have been? I figured boyfriend and shuddered. So I was gay? Nothing wrong with that, I thought, but I had just left the man there staring after me when we may have been boyfriends. But I didn't turn around or stop, because maybe he wasn't. If anyone knew, it'd be mum, so I decided to head home and ask her. Who was Dan? What had he been to me in the past?

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