Chapter 16- Lust and Love

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Phil's POV-

Our hot chocolates finished and both of our stomachs full, we snuggled up on the couch and didn't speak as the film played. It was Attack On Titan, one of Dan's (and apparently my) favorite films. I had Dan's head on my chest and my left hand was gripping his and my right hand was pushing back his fringe so he had a bit of a quiff, which I thought was super cute. The whole time his eyes remained fixed on the TV screen, even as my hands drew lines down his body and then back up again. He did not flinch as I kissed his neck, nor when my hands crept under his shirt and stroked his stomach. I didn't mean for it to be sexual or inviting, but when Dan finally brought his gaze up to meet mine it was filled with lust and love. My breath hitched as he leaned up, his breath mingling with mine, and and brushed his chapped lips across my quivering ones. His body turned as he pushed me further back into the couch, ignoring my moans and sighs.

"You sure?" Dan pulled away for a second to ask the question before bringing his lips back on mine, whispering my name. I nodded to tell him I was sure, and his legs straddled me as he pulled off his shirt, revealing his beautiful body underneath. "Your turn, Philly." He ordered and I tore off my shirt, hearing the tearing sound. Aw man, I loved that one! My chest had a couple of black hairs that I was very self-conscious about, but Dan only stroked my upper body, biting his bottom lip uncertainly.

"Go on, bear." I told him, undoing his jeans for him as he was still sat upright. He attempted mine but his hands were shaking so I did if for him and we both stood up to pull them off. Thanks skinny jeans for the easy access! "The bed or couch?" I asked, looking at my body whilst covering it a little. Dan was doing the same, blushing furiously.

"B-bed." He stuttered, staring at me in fascination. In one swift movement, he was in my arms bridal-style and I was speed-walking out of the lounge, into the closest bedroom which just so happened to be mine. Things were about to get messy, and all over my bed sheets. Wonderful.

Dan's POV-

I woke up with a naked Phil sprawled on top of me, asleep with his mouth slightly agape, his weight heavy so I was pressed into the bed with no ways of escape. The skin against skin feeling was maddening me but I managed to keep quiet as not to wake Phil, who looked as if he was going to be sleeping for a while. Great. Just great.

An hour of lying there and doing absolutely nothing later, Phil began to stir and he rolled off me with a grumble. I scrambled up and went to throw on my boxers, but on seeing that they had some cum on them I tip-toed into my room and pulled on a clean pair. I could hear shuffles and groans from Phil's room which meant he was getting up, so I ran back in there and jumped on him so we both fell back onto the bed with an umph. Phil stared up at me in amazement and I pecked his lips playfully.

"So I guess I topped?" Phil sighed, running his hands through my hair.

"Last night you did, but not now." I whispered and sucked on his neck, leaving little love marks that caused him to grip my hair. I kissed his chest and the waistline of his boxers and his thighs and his everywhere except the one place I didn't want to kiss just yet. I loved to tease him first. "Do you want breakfast?" I whispered, practically lying on top of him this time so he couldn't escape.

"No." He murmured, lifting his legs and wrapping them around my waist. His face was hidden in my neck so I lifted us both up and returned the favor so we were a tangle of arms and legs on his already messy bed. Looks like we'll be sleeping in mine tonight. Just before I could do what I wanted to do, Phil said, "Best friends, Dan, remember? Not just yet. We can't have this every hour of every day because best friends don't do that. But every once in a while would be nice."

"Aw but I love my best friend." I moaned, removing myself from his sweaty figure. "I love you so, so much it hurts. It physically hurts. And every time you smile I smile inside and out, and every time you laugh my world is brightened and it's you who brightens it. Phil, if it wasn't for you-" I didn't want to carry on, but then Phil shocked me:

"You would be dead." He mumbled, standing to face me. "You have marks on your wrist. I know. I guess that's twice I've saved you from suicide."

"You save me from suicide every day." I whispered. "You are the Juliet to my Romeo, the L to my Light, the Troye to my Tyler, the Edward to my Winry, the freaking Phil to my freaking Dan. How can I deny that I am utterly in love with you? How can I deny that I want people to ship us? How can I deny that every time you are sad a part of me dies inside? Just how can I f*uck!ng deny that I want to marry you, have kids with you, grow up with you and spend every single second with you?" I took a deep breath, watching his eyes widen more and more at every sentence until I was sure they would fall out (boy) of his sockets. "That's how much I love you Phil. Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

I watched his eyes slowly recede back to their normal size and he told me he wanted Shreddies and a mug of coffee. "Dan, about what you just said-" I began.

"No, don't, Phil, because you once told me something that made me lose hope forever. You may not remember, but you told me you had a rule: best friends cannot date each other." The words sent a bolt of metaphorical pain through my heart.

"I- I did?" Phil stuttered, swallowing.

I nodded. "You did. If you want to go back to that rule then go ahead, but I'm glad I got to spend one night with you at least. I'm glad I got to confess those things."

Almost immediately he shook his head. He stared right into my eyes, and they were filled with two things: lust and love. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Dan. I want to. Can we please?"

I nodded in shock. I should've been grinning , but instead I found myself crying.

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