Chapter 10- Unlucky

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Phil's POV-

"Your train is leaving in two hours Philly. Why don't you get some sleep?" Mum told me, shrugging on her coat to go out. "I'm going to take Martyn to his work interview, then pick up somethings. When I get back you won't be here so I might as well say goodbye to you now." She kissed my cheek and I wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to go back to Dan. I wanted to be with my parents, not someone I barely knew.

"I don't need sleep." I mumbled, but she just rolled her eyes, smirked and left, making sure to leave the door unlocked. I sat on the couch for a bit, watching Master Chef, until I felt a little bit of tiredness set in. I could use some sleep, I told myself and closed my eyes. I would wake up on time for the train, get back to Dan and continue being awkward around him. That was how it was always going to be until my memories came back. To be honest, I wanted them to, but I didn't want to know what I thought of Dan. From what I could tell, we had been extremely close. I was not gay; I hoped he didn't like me in that way.

Sleep took me easily, like snatching hands, and I went willingly into the swirling black abyss of dreams and thoughts and nightmares and nonsense. I dreamt that Dan and I were young boys and we were in a play area, only it was massive one in the middle of a river. Looking out of the window, I saw Liverpool, only it was made out of giant balloons. I guessed my inner child was showing in this dream. Turning back around, I saw Dan running up to me but there was netting separating us. He reached his hands through and I took them, feeling the warmth that radiated from them. We then proceded to play Peanuts, where we had to try and bend each other's hands back. I won and he began to laugh. And so did I. It was fun; better than real life where Dan wouldn't speak to me or touch me in fear of me pulling away and shouting at him. At first I had thought he hated human interaction, but really he yearned for it. He wanted to be held and cuddled and kissed. He was just too scared.

"Come round here, Dan!" I pleaded and he searched for a way to get to me. Spotting one, he ran around a few corners before climbing up some ladders and then down a slide, crashing straight into me. We fell down in a tangle of arms and legs. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt, and his smile was bigger than anything I had ever seen. His twelve-year-old self was quite small and brown with long-ish lighter hair and a seductive look, whereas I was ginger with my chubby cheeks and pale skin. "Oi, get off me!" I giggled, trying to push him away but he remained still, too stubborn to move.

"I'm comfortable." Dan announced, before leaning down to kiss me. Our lips met, but only for a couple of seconds because he was already getting up and pointing outside the window. "Look at that giant ballon train!" He remarked, staring at it in awe. I joined him and we held hands, watching Liverpool pass by. How I knew it was Liverpool, I had no idea. That's when it struck me. Train. I needed to get a train. "Where you going, Phil?" Dan asked as I ran away from the window, searching for a escape.

"I need to wake up!" I cried, although I didn't want to wake up. The dream was too cute. I wanted it to continue. "Dan, help me wake up!"

Dan looked at me dejectedly. "I don't want you to go, though. You're leaving me?"

"I need to get back to you." I panted and ran to an open window. The dirty water of the River Mersey splashed up in my face, and, deciding this would wake me up, I jumped into it. Cold water struck my face and I spluttered, kicking out with my legs.

I woke up.

My mum stood over me, an empty bucket in her hands, and I was soaking. From the looks of it, she had poured water all over me. Why not just shake me awake?! "Philly, why were you still asleep? You've missed the train! You wouldn't wake up and I-"

"Wait, I've missed the train?" I gasped, dread settling over me. Dan would be worried I hadn't returned. "What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock dear. It left at nine." Mum sighed and held out my phone for me. A missed message from Dan, asking where I was. I replied telling him I had missed the train and that I'd get the next one, but he did not reply. Probably asleep, I thought and scratched my head. "The next train is at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Set your timer." Mum told me and ran upstairs. I followed her, collapsed into my bed and set the timer for five. I had to have enough time to get ready. I couldn't miss it again. That dream... It made me realise how much Dan had meant to me... and how much he meant to me now. He was a huge part of my life, stranger or not.

Dan's POV-

After a very empty sleep I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, ringing for six o'clock in the morning. If Phil had missed the first one he would be leaving right now, so that gave me a chance to make myself look presentable and make sure he was safely on the train. I checked my phone and saw that he had replied saying exactly what I thought. Nothing to worry about. He was probably already on his way. I text back, asking him just to make sure, before stepping into the shower and, after drying off, sitting on the couch naked whilst watching Fullmetal Alchemist. I enjoyed the little freedom I had whilst alone at least, but my heart still ached for my best friend.

At half seven I decided to get changed into my usual black attire but leave my feet bare. My stomach growled for food so I made bacon butties- one for me and one for Phil when he arrives- and ate mine alone in the lounge, feeling like I was about to cry. But Phil was coming. He was coming. Then I remembered: I hadn't checked my messages. Maybe he had missed that train. I rushed to look, but, to my relief, he was almost here. Thank every single god out there. I lost track of time as for the next- what? half an hour, hour?- I sat in front of the door desperately, doing nothing but staring. I had started to believe I was going mad until the door opened and he walked in, a large backpack slung over his shoulder and his hair sticking up in all angles around his head. The purple bags under his eyes were clearly visible and the very poorly done buttons on his plaid shirt suggested that he had been in a rush. But why rush? Why rush to get home to someone he didn't even know? He could've just got the next one which would've spared him the stress.

"Hey." Phil yawned to me, barely noticing that I had just jumped up from the floor. "Dan-" He didn't get chance to finish whatever he was about to say because my arms were around him and I was sobbing into his neck. He stroked my back soothingly before kicking the door closed with his foot and leading me into the lounge. "Hey, what's the matter? Come on. Hey-"

"D-Don't you ever dare do that to m-me again." I begged, trying to catch my breath. "I was so worried there might have been a crash, or you got kidnapped, or-"

"Dan, I'm fine." Phil insisted, pulling me into another hug. "I'm fine. I'm fine, you're fine. It's all fine."

Silence fell over us, but I needed it. I couldn't speak to him, not yet. I just needed his arms around me and his cuddles and I needed him to hold me like he would never hold anyone. I liked it that way. After a while he pulled away and asked if he could smell bacon, and I blushed and told him I had made some but they were probably cold by now. He ate them anyway, which I felt strange but I was blushing furiously, and told me they were delicious. I was too confused to thank him.

"Dan, I'm sorry I don't remember you. But I want to give it another shot. I want to be your best friend again, you just need to show me how. I want to see what we accomplished together and how close we were and-" He stopped himself, also blushing. "You're probably confused. I can explain. I had this dream-"

"You want to know how close we were?" I repeated, ignoring the bit about the dream. I'd ask about that as soon as I told him how I really felt. "We were the closest anyone could ever be, and I don't know what you felt about me, but Phil Lester I was in love with you." It just burst free of my mouth, and I was glad. He needed to know. I had to tell him. "I loved you, and I don't know if you did or do, but I loved you and I still do. This may ruin things but I had to tell you the truth, because you wanted it. Now what's this dream you had?"

Phil, who was staring at me in shock, began to explain the dream but his eyes were wide and he would often drift away from the sentence to stare at me. "We-we-we kissed. We were playing, and... yeah, we kissed. And I think I do. Love you that is. But Dan, I want to become best friends before anything happens. I want to become as close as we were. I want you to show me all of our videos and pictures and tell me stories at bedtime. I've never wanted anything more."

I froze at his words. He loved me; he did. Oh. My. God. Engery tingled through me and I broke into a grin. He loved me. No way. He loved me. Asdfghjkl. FEELS! Calm down Dan. Calm. A tear broke free and rolled down my face. Phil wiped it away with his thumb, eyes loving, and whispered:

"Don't cry... craft."

"You watched that video?" I whispered back, dumbfound. "Am I dreaming?"

"No." Phil smiled and his lips brushed mine. "At least, I hope not."

"I hope not too." I mumbled and leant into him for a hug. This was it. Things were finally coming back together. And omg he loved me. My best friend loved me. It was all my dreams come true. "Love you Phil, in a friendly way for now."

"Love you Dan, in a friendly way for now."

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