Chapter 4- Sweet Dreams

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Phil's POV-
I heard my family talking with Dan downstairs as I left my room to go to the toilet and my stomach tightened at listening to his broken yet angelic voice. How had I, Phil Lester, managed to befriend someone as handsome as him? It seemed impossible yet it was possible. But I could not become close to him again until I knew more about him. I had to gain my memories back because all Dan Howell meant to me meant nothing and now he was just a stranger. All those videos didn't seem real; they were fake, like a pretended friendship. Nothing about him or those videos meant anything to me.
After being perched at the top of the stairs to see if they were talking about me (which they were not; it was a conversation about Dan looking for a girlfriend), I resumed my sitting position on the bed for another hour until it was ten o'clock and someone was walking up the stairs. My mum poked her head in my room.
"Do you still have that airbed in here, Philly?" She asked, looking around my room curiously. "Dan's scared of the dark so is it ok if he sleeps on the airbed in your room?"
The thought of Dan, a grown man, being afraid of the dark made me want to laugh but something sparked at the back of my mind and I found this completely normal. Of course Dan was scared of the dark! But did I want him to sleep in my room? Stranger danger. But Dan was no stranger, and I needed to apologize. "Sure, that's fine." I answered and shut down my Mac. "The airbed is under my bed. It's already blown up so just slide it out." I helped her do so and she ran to fetch spare blankets and a pillow while I tried to find a good place to put it. I settled with at the end of my bed so he could not see my face and I could not see his. My mum and I set up the bed and once we had finished Dan awkwardly walked in and thanked my mum.
"Dan did you bring any jammies?" Mum asked and my heart sank. She would ask me to lend him some. We looked the same size but I barely knew him!
Dan shook his head and mum turned to me but I already had my cookie monster pants and a grey shirt in my hands from the pile of clean clothes next to the bed. I tossed them to him and he changed in the bathroom as mum and I had a glaring match. She won as always and Dan crawled into the airbed once he got back with a small smile growing on his flushed face. He really was happy to share a room with me, I could see, even if it was only once. Hopefully he'd be gone by tomorrow night. That was, unless I got my memories back. "Goodnight Mrs Lester." Dan mumbled, burying his face into the pillow. His whole body position and slurring voice told me he was tired so I closed my eyes and let him sleep peacefully. "Goodnight Phil. Sweet dreams."
Something else clicked in my mind and I sighed a little. "Goodnight Dan. Sweet dreams."
"Phil, why don't your remember me?" Dan repeating this question over and over again woke me up and when I leaned over to shush him his eyes were closed and he looked to be having a nightmare. Tears were falling from his eyes. "Phil, why don't you remember me?"
"Dan?" I muttered sleepily, rubbing my eyes. "Are you ok?"
"Phil, why don't you remember me?" Dan repeated, kicking out to get rid of the duvet. With that successfully thrown to one side, he tossed and turned and reached out for me but I crawled backwards and closed my eyes again to go back to sleep. I must have because I woke to a different sentence: "Love me again, Phil."
I froze, wondering what he meant. Love him again? Again? Love? What?! "Dan, shut up." I pleaded, dangling my arm over the side of the bed so when he found it he could hold it. Maybe that would shut him up. Eventually he did and cuddled into it, his speaking muffled and lazy. I felt awkward holding his hand but what could I do? I feel asleep again.
"Phil?" Dan's voice whispered right next to my ear. "Phil, you can let go of me now. Phil."
My eyes snapped open to see Dan's face right in mine. My hand was gripping his tightly and I could practically taste his breath. Minty. He was sweaty and pale but his hand was relaxed in mine like he thought it belonged there. Yeah right. I snatched it away and crawled back to the other side of the bed, craving sleep. Dan was following me and stopped when I did, half-concealed by the duvet. "What do you want?" I asked him, closing my eyes.
"I'm scared." He mumbled, placing his head next to mine so his nose was tickling my ear. "Can I come in with you?"
"What you scared of?" I asked him but I felt his body press the bed down and push me to the side. I groaned in complaint as he made himself comfortable and wrapped an arm around me. Something else clicked and I relaxed. "Fine, seeing as you're scared. But this means nothing, don't forget."
He mumbled his understanding and soon his heavy breaths were pushing me further and further into sleep. With Dan's head on my chest and his body curled against mine, I dozed off into a feeling of complete and utter bliss.

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