Chapter 6- Home

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Phil's POV-
It wasn't until that we were getting off the train at King's Cross that Dan saw me and reeled back in shock. I found it hard to believe that he had not even looked up once on the train ride, but the way he was stuttering and asking why the heck I was there made me think otherwise; Dan literally had not looked up the entire time we were sitting next to each other.

"Phil does your mum know you're here?" He asked, looking at the phone clutched in my hand. Realisation dawned on me and I hastily typed in her number. She did not know as I had not phoned her, but wouldn't she have phoned me? I had no missed calls...

"Mum? Mum, hi. I'm sorry, I-"

"Phil, are you with Dan?" My mum asked quickly. When I told her I was, she said she thought as much and that she'd send my clothes and possessions over to my apartment. I thanked her and hung up, turning to Dan who had slowly started to walk away awkwardly. It would be diiferent between us, I knew that and so did he, which probably killed him, but I was ready to start again. New life and new memories. Hopefully I could repair the break in his heart. 

"This way, Phil." Dan said quickly as I turned left instead of right, not knowing where on Earth to go. London was so big! "Don't remember going to London at all?" Dan asked, a little bit of hurt in his voice.

I shook my head. "Sorry, no. How far away is our apartment?"

"Not far." Dan almost snapped, and I thought better than to say anything else. He was mad that I couldn't remember him. But it wasn't my fault! "Why did you come with me, Phil?" He asked after a while of awkward silence. "Why not go back home and be with people you know?"

Pursing my lips, I shrugged and averted my eyes. I did not know why I had decided to go with him, other than that he needed someone to mend his broken heart. I couldn't do that if I did not know him; maybe that was why I had gone with him: we could create new memories and I could fix his heart again. But then what? One step at a time, Phil, I told myself and we continued walking in silence.

Dan's POV-
Fury bubbled inside of me like an angry volcano about to erupt. Not at Phil, who I was so glad had come back with me, but at everything else: the driver who had hit Phil, the witnesses who hadn't done anything but stand and watch as my best friend was ran-over, the paramedics for arriving late and the world for being unfair. I was so frustrated and confused and tangled in thoughts that I didn't notice I had stepped out into the middle of a busy road.

"Dan!" Phil called, diving out after me and grabbing my shoulder to pull me back. I stumbled with him, heart racing, until we joined the staring on-lookers. "Dan, what were you thinking? You could have been killed!" He sounded so worried it hurt; it was a nice pain.

"I'm sorry, I- I was thinking." I muttered, glaring at the Londoners who were frowning at me. It wasn't like I had just robbed the Bank of England, god. I was tempted to tell them to grow up, but the lights went red and we could cross. Phil made sure to stay close to me so I didn't accidently find a way to China, and I was grateful for that, but by the looks of his face he was seething. Great, now he was mad. "We're here." I announced half-heartedly and unlocked the door.

"All houses have that unique smell. What's yours?" Phil asked.

I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to make out whether he was joking or not, before rolling my eyes and saying: "The stench of summer sex. Come on, I'm not standing out here forever."

Phil, who probably had no memories of Fall Out Boy, looked shocked at that statement but hurried inside anyway and stood gaping at the stairs. He looked almost disappointed.

"The stairs were the only exercise we ever had." I explained and began to climb them with Phil right behind me, complaining that his legs hurt. I ignored him. "I haven't been here in a while so sorry if it's untidy. Your room is just down there." I showed him and he stood at the doorway for a good few minutes, staring at what was once his favourite place in the world. "Bringing back any memories?" I asked hesitantly, curiosity getting the better of me.

"One." Phil murmured, stroking the bedsheets as if they could break at even the slightest touch. "One night, when you had a nightmare, you came to me and I sang you a song."

My heart almost stopped. He remembered something. More importantly, he remembered that memory, one that was equally as precious to me as it was to him. "Thinking Out Loud." I chuckled, "by Ed Sheeran. It's the phandom's national anthem. We danced to it at The BRITS." I felt my cheeks burning so I offered to make something to eat.

"I'm starving." Phil was still inspecting the bed. "I didn't have breakfast, remember?"

"Oh yeah." I laughed nervously before rushing out of the room to make some toast. Phil was just settling in; I had to act like everything was normal and teach him about Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, not Dan and Phil the two dorky guys who sat around the house doing nothing. I had to show him what it was like back when we were best friends, and I would help him remember. For best friends never give up on each other.

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