Chapter 7- What A Catch

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Dan's POV-

It was awkward when we sat down to watch a film that night. We couldn't decide on what to watch and when he sat down in my crease I didn't have the courage to tell him that it was my seat. I ended up sat on the arm of the chair in an uncomfortable position and told him he could put on any film he liked as I loved them all.

"What are all these?" Phil asked, running his fingers over the animès, eyes clouded with confusion and wonder. "Is that... Japanese? Did we watch Japanese films?"

"Animè." I told him, a little sad that he didn't remember. "We watch it in English though, obviously."

"Sounds interesting." Phil pulled out Death Note and slid the disc in the DVD player. A part of me was relieved that he was still into the same things, but another part was disappointed that he didn't know what any of it was. It would probably be a long time before he gained his memory back. "What's it saying?" Phil asked about the starting credits.

"No idea." I laughed, rewinding the beginning as Phil looked like he wasn't enjoying it. "That person there, that's Light. He's the main character."

"I gathered that." He muttered and we fell into silence as the film played. It was halfway into the fourth episode when he asked if he could go to bed.

"You don't have to ask, you know? It's your home too." I told him and he opened his mouth to say something, but apparently thought better and left the room without saying goodnight or even a little goodbye wave. I switched Death Note off and made sure every room was dark before retreating into my room and scrolling through Tumblr for another hour, which helped my mind settle. Just as I was starting to fall into sleep, habit took over me and I wondered into Phil's room to say goodnight and ask if he was alright. When I saw him curled up on his bed, eyes closed and breaths heavy, I smiled to myself and walked right back out again, intending to actually go to sleep this time. It took me quicker than usual. 

It was around three in the morning when I heard the little patter of footsteps and someone enter the kitchen. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing quiet in case it was a burglar, but they just stayed in the kitchen for a good while. Very slowly, I got up and looked around the door to see if anyone was lurking in the hallway but it was dark and there were no signs of anyone there. More rustling in the kitchen. Heart racing, I grabbed what was closest to me- the portrait of me and Justin Beiber- and held it above my head. The frame was hard and would be good to whack someone with. I felt like a ballerina as I lightly tip toed to the see-through door of the kitchen and looked through it, only to see a tall shadow leaning over something. More rustling and shaking as if... as if he was eating cereal. Oh my god. Dropping the picture, I pushed through the door with a very annoyed sigh and yanked the box of Special K from Phil's hands. He jumped back in surprise and then stared at me. 

"I'm sorry, I woke up and I was hungry-" He tried to explain, but I threw my hand over his mouth and glared into his eyes. 

"I see you haven't lost your bad habits. Phil, you scared me to death. I thought there was a burglar!" My voice was shaky as my heart beats slowly started to slow down. When I looked away, down at my feet, I noticed the glass on the frame on the picture had smashed and was lying in shards scattered around the carpet. I sighed a little and bent down to pick it up, catching my fingers on the edges of the glass. 

"Dan, I'm sorry." Phil got down to help but I had my back turned to him. "I didn't think-"

"No, it's fine." I mumbled, tossing the glass into the bin and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. A bit of blood smudged and I tried to blink it out. "Can you pass me a wet cloth?" I asked him and he rushed to get one. The whole time he kept repeating that he was sorry and that he felt terrible for scaring me like that. I didn't reply, only pressed the wetness to my eyes and rubbed my face with it, taking away the burn in my cheeks and the fever on my head. "I'm going back to bed. Goodnight Phil." I tossed him the cloth with a little bit of my blood on and stormed out of the kitchen, very annoyed with him despite that he always used to do it. His footsteps followed me, even when I walked into my room and crawled into bed. His face appeared above mine and he stared down at me. "Stop being creepy, Phil. Go to bed or whatever."

"I'm sorry." He muttered, biting his bottom lip. "I won't do it again. Please forgive me." 

"I forgive you." I groaned, rolling away and burying my face into the pillow. "Now go to sleep please." 

"Okay." He shuffled out and closed the door behind him so now I could hear nothing of what was going on outside. But then it opened again and through a little crack in my eyes I could see him coming over to me, lifting the sheets and climbing in next to me. I stiffened a little, confusion settling in, before just accepting it and enjoying the moment. His warmth made me a ball of sweatiness and heat and his breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine to the point where I was so hot and uncomfortable that I sat up and decided there would be no more sleep for me. Everything felt awkward with Phil now, even sharing the same bed. Heck, just looking at him was awkward but what could I do about it? I loved him, but he did not know me. He did not know Dan Howell: best friend and fellow YouTuber. "Dan! Dan, please come back!" He cried from my room as I had moved into the front room to get away. "Dan, I'm cold."

"I'll turn the heating on." I replied, not wanting to anywhere near him. I couldn't; it was too much. "Please, Phil, just go to sleep. Please."

He sauntered into the living room, eyes groggy, and sat next to my trembling figure. "What's the matter?"

I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes tight, trying to get rid of whatever awkwardness and worry I had towards him. He was still my best friend no matter what, I just had to make him believe it. And I was doing a right good job as he started stroking my hear and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. "Nothing." I murmured. "Nothing at all."

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