Chapter 18- Ghouls in Tokyo

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Dan's POV-

The days leading up to our flight to Japan were busy and confusing; we didn't know what to pack, what the weather would be like, what we're even allowed to take and what security would arrest us for. Sure I had been abroad plenty of times but every single time my nerves had taken over and I had been in a state of absolute panic. It had always been Phil to calm me down and guide me through what to do, but Phil didn't remember this time and he was as anxious as me.

The day of the flight came sooner than expected, and at four o'clock in the morning Phil and I were leaving the house to go to Heathrow Airport. The sun was beginning to rise as we sat in the taxi, bright colours a blanket over the sky like a spectacular show. Phil held my hand the whole way whilst shaking with excitement whilst I remained calm and contained, although my insides were exploding with joy. Since I was thirteen I had wanted to go to Japan, even if it wasn't Tokyo, but here I was with my best friend in a taxi on our way to Heathrow.

I double checked that we had the passports and tickets, and also everything in our hand luggage that was vital, such as our phone chargers and earphones. My mind was whirling to the point where I was dizzy and stumbled through the door of the plane looking drunk. Phil had an arm on my elbow to guide me to our seats which were near the front, and it was a good job too as more than once I tripped up. Phil called the window seat and I obliged, knowing that if I was going to throw up it would be easier for me to get out. Apparently it looked like I was going to because a flight attendant hurried up to me with a paper bag and a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I mumbled, viciously yanking open the lid and downing the water. It quenched my thirst and cooled my throat, but I still had a headache. "Phil, could you pass me my Fanta please?" I asked, reaching for his own hand luggage. We had each bought a Fanta Fruit Twist in the airport and mine was still not open.

"Are you not feeling well?" Phil asked whilst handing me the bottle. "Are you going to throw up? If you are then not on me please."

"Shut up." I growled, taking big swigs of the cold liquid. "I'm fine. Just got a bit of a headache, is all." I leaned back and closed my eyes, wishing to go to sleep, but Phil's excited yelps and his bouncing prevented any so I just sat there and pretended to sleep, because why not? During a time where my mind was in the void between knowing what was sleeping and what was being awake, a cold hand tickled my arm and lips were being pressed against my forehead, soft and wet. I dissolved into thoughts of Phil.

Phil's POV-

When we arrived in Tokyo Dan had fallen asleep for the millionth time the whole journey so that required me to wake him, and I really didn't like his groggy attitude. I gently shook him until he slowly opened his eyes and glared at the empty space in front of him, blowing his fringe out of his face, legs stretched out in front of him. I stretched my own as my whole body was stiff and pushed into the aisle where everyone was lining up to get off. A few people recognized Dan as the drunk dude that couldn't get on a plane but they didn't say anything only walked ahead avoiding eye contact.

I could tell Dan was tired and moody, but once we had our luggage and walked outside his eyes lit up and he bounced up and down on his heels like an excited child. I breathed in the scent of Tokyo air, concluding that it was exactly the same only a bit more warm, and took Dan's waving hand. At what I had no idea.

"What's hello in Japanese?" He asked me, trying to pull his hand away. I saw that he was waving to a little girl with black hair and tanned skin like Dan's. She was around twelve or thirteen, but from her height she could pass as seven.

"Con ni chi wa." I tried, thinking back to the guide booklet I had bought, read and lost. "Who is she? Do you know her?"

"Nope." Dan chuckled as the girl ran up to us and wrapped her arms around Dan first, and then me. I awkwardly hugged back as she dissolved into a load of Japanese. "We don't speak Japanese, sorry." Dan blushed slightly whilst looking at me, his mouth slightly agape.

"Oh, sorry." She giggled. "I love your videos so much! I'm, like, your biggest fan!" She rambled on and on until our bus came. "My name's Ellyse by the way. Do you two need a tour guide?"

"We're good thanks-" I began, but stopped when Dan started nodding. Then I realized: we didn't know anywhere and anyone. And who else would offer to show us around? "Alright then. We'll meet you tomorrow at the maid cafe as that's the only place we know."

"Sure. Do you mind if I bring my sister along? She loves your videos too. She won't be a problem."

"Of course." Dan yawned and began to climb the steps into the bus, leaving me to wave goodbye to Ellyse who was already sauntering away. I found Dan and sat next to him. He leaned his head on my shoulder and didn't move it until we arrived at the hotel thirty minutes later, rotten and in desperate need of food and sleep. We wondered the hallways after checking in, like ghouls, until we found our room and collapsed onto the large double bed, not needing each other's warmth as it was hot outside. But I enjoyed Dan's head on my chest, hands laced together, and his fringe tickling my neck.

Everything was perfect.

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