Chapter 12

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Tw for this chapter: self harm, suicide attempt (I'm sorry)

"Just promise you'll come to us if you feel like you want to cut again." Wilbur said. Tommy looked back at him.

"Only if you both hold up to that with the puking and drinking." Tommy said back and both Techno and Wilbur nodded.

"This isn't going to be perfect but I'm glad you are all working on this together." Dr. Simon smiled as the boys started walking out of the office. They all booked new appointments with Dr. Simon and then walked out to Wilbur's car. Techno and Wilbur hopped in front while Tommy hopped in the back.


Tommy never held this promise. The nightly routine of sneaking into the kitchen, using the scissors to slice his legs until they became covered in crimson and then sneaking back to bed was becoming engraved in Tommy's mind. It was easy to ignore emotions when you could replace it with physical pain.

Techno, Wilbur and Phil had no idea of what was happening. Tommy made sure to hide it as time went on.

It had now been three weeks since Tommy had started living with them, he had started online school and he hung out with Ranboo and Tubbo. His bruises had healed and faded and he kinda looked like a normal kid.

Tubbo and Ranboo had been invited over for dinner one evening and it was now the six of them sitting at a table eating pasta.

"This is really good Mr. Watson." Ranboo smiled and Phil smiled back at him.

"No need to call me that, Phil works just fine." Phil encouraged and Ranboo nodded. On the other side of the table Tubbo was talking Wilbur's ear off about bees.

"They usually will do a mating dance to help introduce each other to the idea of children, but it doesn't always work!" Tubbo smiled. Wilbur nodded, happy to listen to the kid if the kid was happy.

"Tub, being loud again." Tommy mumbled softly and Tubbo nodded, realizing he was being loud and he was being overly excited. No one at the table minded the excited part, but Tommy did mind the loud part.

Ranboo looked over at Tommy, he seemed like he was being a different person at the moment but Ranboo couldn't quite place why.

Since that first time they hung out Tommy came out of his shell more with Tubbo and Ranboo, cracking jokes, not being quiet but almost matching Tubbo's level of excitability. He was acting like a kid! But now, he was back to the shy boy who scared he would do wrong.

Techno, Wilbur and Phil hadn't seen that side of Tommy, so they didn't know any better. Ranboo did know better but didn't want to question Tommy in front of them in case it was something important.

"Okay, so you'll give us a call or a text if you need anything, and talk to us in the morning about pick up. It's supposed to rain tonight and I'm not entirely sure I trust Ranboo driving in rainy weather." Phil jokes, giving a wink to Ranboo who just made a face of fake hurt.

"I'll be fine Phil." Tommy said and Phil nodded, handing Tommy his bag. Tommy was spending the night at Tubbo's and Ranboo's for the first time ever. He was excited and it was going to be nice.

So Ranboo lead them out to the truck, letting Tubbo hop in before he did and Tommy hopped in on the other side. They went off and Tommy watched Phil go inside and shut the door as they went along.

"So I was thinking we could watch movies or we could play some games on the switch, or we could play some board games." Tubbo smiles, almost jumping out of his seat again. Tommy smiled softly, at this point he was used to Tubbo's over excitement so Ranboo didn't bother commenting on it, well unless they were around others or he was being overly loud.

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