Chapter 56

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Tw for this chapter: Talk of injuries, past death, past abuse, past rape, mention of gun

"I don't understand." Tommy tells her and Ms. Rose sighs.

"When we searched the property we found part of this note. It was signed by Liam and sent before Liam's death, where he says and I quote 'I hate how you treated me.'" Ms. Rose explains but Tommy shakes his head, dropping the paper and clutching Henry tightly.

"No there has to be more to that, it can't just be that." Tommy says quickly and Ms. Rose sighs again.

"We didn't find anything else, just that. So we have reason to believe that Mr. Watson did something to Liam."

No. No. No.

The man who took care of Tommy and made sure he was okay would not have hurt Liam, he wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.

"Are you scared of Mr. Watson? Scared of what he might do?" Ms. Rose asked softly but Tommy shook his head.

"No. Phil is nice and kind and he takes care of us. He wouldn't hurt us and he didn't hurt Liam. You can ask Tubbo and Ranboo, they lived with Liam after he moved out of the Watsons. They know." Tommy tries to reason and Ms. Rose sighs.

"We can't bring other people into this investigation." She states but Puffy leans forward a bit.

"Actually, you can. You can bring in one character witness as long as it's relevant to the case if there's not enough information about certain pieces of evidence." Puffy states and Ms. Rose glares at her, then she nods her head.

Puffy stands up and walks to the living room, returning a moment later with Tubbo. Tubbo looks confused but sits down next to Tommy. Tommy wanted to lean against him for some form of comfort but thought this might not be the best time.

"Joining us at the table is Tubbo Beloved." Puffy speaks into the phone.

"Alright Tubbo. To catch you up to speed we are currently talking about Phil Watson and Liam Montgomery. We found this piece of a letter signed and dated by Liam before his death. It's a note to Phil Watson claiming he hated how he was treated, which leads us to believe that Mr. Watson abused Liam. Do you know of such a thing?" Ms. Rose asked and Tubbo frowned.

"I know what letter you're talking about. I have a copy of it." Tubbo said, standing up. All three of them looked at him.

"What?" Puffy questioned.

"Liam liked to photo copy all of his letters and documents, keeping them on the computer. I don't know why he did that but after he passed we looked through them. I'll go print out a copy of the full letter." Tubbo said as he walked towards the exit. He was gone for a moment in which they all sat in silence.

When he came back he had a piece of paper in his hands, and he passed it to Ms. Rose before sitting back down next to Tommy.

"Alright, it seems like we have new evidence brought to the table. This seems to be the full copy of the letter from Liam M. I will read it out loud." Ms. Rose states into her phone before clearing her throat. "Dear Phil. Hello, it's Liam. It's been almost a year since I moved out of your house."

Tommy held his breath, please let this not be something bad.

"And honestly I miss it. I am placed with some good people right now, I have two foster brothers around my age named Tubbo and Ranboo. They're nice and they care about me, but I still miss living at your house. I miss the pancake breakfasts and the movie nights. I miss the feeling of comfort and just the general support of the place. It felt like home." Ms. Rose continues.

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