Chapter 81

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Tw for this chapter: Talk of dissociation episode, breakdown

Note: Just a friendly reminder, Tommy's dissociation is not DID I am not claiming for it to be. Also this is the last chapter, I'm done. I am sick of the death threats and the inappropriate comments, I am a person behind this screen.

Everytime Tommy's clock had another minute go by it made a small tick. It was barely noticeable unless you truly truly listened for it. Tommy wasn't meaning to listen for it, he just was awake and the house was silent. He couldn't bring himself to listen to music at this point either.

God what happened? What was the sudden thing that broke the lock on the sealed memories?

His brain was scrambling to try and figure out what to do with these memories he suddenly had. The memories from his dissociation episode bounced around his head, all of them felt fuzzy but real.

He didn't want to tell his brothers or dad about what was happening, and that seemed to be a bad idea as he snapped at them. He was just scared, the same level of scared he was when he first moved into this place. He didn't know what to do, and he was afraid they'd think he's lying.

Tommy wished he hadn't left Henry and his blanket downstairs, he could use some comfort right now.

Turning on his side he spotted the blanket Tubbo made him in the little nest in the corner. So he stood up and walked over there, grabbing it and holding it close to him. It wasn't the blanket he truly wanted, but it was still a good blanket.

He held on tight to the blanket as he sobbed quietly into it. His brain hurt and he didn't want to spend time trying to figure out why everything was like this.


Wilbur was laying downstairs with Techno, who was currently passed out cold. He was laying in bed when he heard muffled sobs, and he knew it was Tommy.

He didn't want to just ignore Tommy so he made his way out of the bed quietly and out of Techno's room. He went upstairs and passed Phil's room quietly and knocked softly.

"Tommy?" He called, but there was no response as the crying continued. He knocked again before pushing open the door. Tommy was sitting on the floor, curled into a ball as he clutched the blanket Tubbo made him and sobbed. "Tommy?" This made Tommy look up at him.

"I'm so sorry." Tommy sobbed upon seeing who it was.

"What's wrong Toms? You gotta talk to me." Wilbur said softly as he slowly walked over to Tommy as to not cause him to flinch again. Tommy just stared up at him as he sobbed more.

"I remember and I don't want to." Tommy managed to say and Wilbur gave him a confused look as he sat down on the floor next to Tommy.

"Okay, take a deep breath Tommy, you need to breathe." Wilbur instructed but Tommy shook his head. "Yes you do, come on, big deep breath." Wilbur said, taking a big breath to show Tommy what to do. Tommy tried but his breathing was cut short as he choked slightly. "It's okay, big deep breath again."

"Can I have a hug?" Tommy asked and Wilbur nodded, opening his arms for Tommy to lean into and give him a big hug.

"It's okay, come on Tommy, deep breath." Wilbur said and Tommy took a deep breath, but the tears didn't slow down.

"I remember things from my episode and I don't want to." Tommy manages to say after a few moments of breathing. Wilbur paused, what?

"What?" Wilbur asked and Tommy pulled away from the hug quickly, flinching as he did.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm so sorry please don't be mad." Tommy started at once, apologizes falling out his mouth faster than Wilbur could process them.

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