Chapter 71

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Tw for this chapter: Feeding tube, depression episode, manic episode, past death, breakdowns, self destructive behavior, blood, self harm (doing something knowing it'll cause harm but not cutting and such-)

Note: This chapter gets heavy, so be careful. This chapter also has platonic cuddling, do not take it as anything but platonic I swear.

"Techno, I'm not lying to you. I'm serious. Tommy figured it out, he figured out that Liam was dropped off at a police station so an officer named him so that's why he was never known to be your brother. His file says that and it says your mom was calling to find out where he was the day before she met you." Wilbur explained but Techno shook his head.

"Get out, get out." Techno said as he tried his best not to cry. Wilbur stared at his brother, feeling Phil's hand on his shoulder.

"Techno please, you've been depressed about your bio family for weeks, you wanted answers and we got them," Tommy says softly from by the door but Techno continues to shake his head as he stood up, hand-wrapped on the medical pole that was holding the machinery.

"I don't know what sick fucking joke you're playing to try and get me to fucking feel better. It doesn't make me feel better it makes me feel worse and you are all fucking assholes. So get the fuck out of my room." Techno snapped.

"Techno, just listen to us." Wilbur said a bit more stern but Techno stared directly into his eyes.

"Wilbur you are only making things worse. You said you wanted me to feel happy but this isn't making me feel happy, it's making me feel worse. So get out." Techno snapped and Phil finally added force to the hand on Wilbur's shoulder, dragging him away. Phil closed the door softly behind him, once he did he heard a loud crash.

"I, I have to go check on that," Phil said softly, opening up the door enough so he could slip in, but not enough that the others could see what was happening.

Techno had knocked over his medical pole, which hit his bookshelf and sent things flying down to the ground. Techno himself was on the ground, pulling at his hair as he tried not to burst out into tears.

Fuck, this wasn't going to be easy.


Techno fell back into his depressive slump. Only leaving his bed for the restroom, the rest of the time he just laid there. He at least was physically surviving.

Wilbur took the opposite turn and came out of his slump swinging. He was abrasive, he was anxious and above all, he was just so manic.

Wilbur spent his days doing random things, never seeming to sit still.

He finished all his course work for the semester, so he had nothing more to do for school just like Tommy. He cleaned his room, the bathroom, the library, and the kitchen. He wrote two new songs and cooked every meal. He just wouldn't relax.

It was like Tubbo when he was off his meds but about ten times worse.

Tommy took a path like Techno, depressive slump. He would show up to meals but pick at his food for long amounts of time before leaving. He would sleep tons and tons. He wasn't showering and he wasn't taking care of himself.

When Ranboo and Tubbo came over to try and get him to cheer up, or even just out of bed for something other than the bathroom he was quiet. He would sit there as they tried to talk to him, nodding every once in a while even when they didn't ask him anything. He would stare at his fingers, picking at the skin around his nails till they bled.

He went to appointments with Dr. Simon but just sat there, picking at the blanket on the couch while Dr. Simon tried to talk to him. Tommy would just shrug and not may eye contact.

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