Chapter 13

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Tw for this chapter: Suicide attempt, self harm

After Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo had left for the night Wilbur, Techno and Phil watched a show on Netflix, just something they had started at one point and now were going to continue. After a few episodes and some ice cream they all went their separate ways.

Techno went to go read more of his book about Greek plays. Wilbur went to go vape for a moment on the roof before going to play his guitar. Phil went to work on somethings in his office before he was off to bed.

Around 11pm Wilbur came downstairs for some water but then returned back upstairs. Techno heard the rain start and he thought the noise mixed with his soft music from the tv was quite peaceful.

Phil was already passed out at 2am, when Wilbur got the phone call. Wilbur himself had fallen asleep only 30 minutes before this. But he had a gut feeling that he had to answer, and it was right. It was Ranboo and he was in a panic.

"Tubbo followed after Tommy but I don't know where he went or why or what's happening! I'm coming to pick you guys up to help find them!" Ranboo half shouted into the phone, Wilbur was already getting his shoes on.

"I'm telling Tech, but I'm going now. You pick him up from here. I'll call if I find them, do we know what direction they were heading?"

"No, Tommy just got up and ran! I barely spotted Tubbo leaving too and when I finally figured out what was going on they were gone from the street!" And Wilbur hung up. He ran down the stairs, three at a time.

"Techno, Techno, Techno get up! Tommy ran off and Tubbo followed him! Ranboo's on his way here!" Wilbur shouted as he basically flew down the stairs. By the time he got down there Techno's door flew open and Techno was there.

"What's happening?" Techno questions as Wilbur tries to catch his breathe, stupid asthma.

"Tommy ran off, Tubbo followed and Ranboo couldn't see them on the street. He can't find them and he's coming here to pick you up, I'm going out to find them in my car. Tell dad, I'm going." Wilbur explains before he runs out the front door into the storm filled streets.

Techno ran up the stairs to his father's room where he knocked on the door, waiting, practically vibrating on the spot. Phil opened up the door, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Dad, Tommy ran off, Tubbo ran after him, they're some where out there in the rain storm and Ranboo can't find them. Wilbur ran off to go find them and Ranboo is on his way to pick me up. Can you stay here in case they some how make it back over here?" Techno spoke so fast that Phil almost didn't catch a single word, but at the same time he knew it all.

"Of course, I'll be here." Phil said, going to grab his robe. Techno ran down the stairs, grabbed his phone, keys and shoes. Just after he did that Ranboo pulled up. Techno ran outside to Ranboo's truck, and Ranboo was shaking beyond belief.

"I just broke way too many traffic laws and I can't hold still, can you please drive?" Ranboo asked and Techno nodded, glad he had grabbed his keys. They turned off the truck before climbing into Techno's car.

Techno pulled out of the driveway and began to drive places that they might be, trying to think where they would be. Then Techno's phone began to ring and he gave it to Ranboo who answered.

"I see them, well I think it's them." Wilbur said quickly and there was a sound of the car door being thrown open. "I found them, I found them." Wilbur said, repeating himself. Ranboo let out a breathe of relief along with a few tears.

"Where?" Techno questioned.

"The bridge over the highway." Wilbur said and then he hung up. Techno pressed his foot to the gas a bit harsh but they were there in a matter of minutes, so much rain pouring over them while they ran to get to their brothers.

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