Chapter 75

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Tw for this chapter: Feeding tube, use of r slur (censored), mentioned episodes, mentioned heaven

Tommy had never been on an airplane before, this was a known fact. Even knowing this fact the whole group forgot to say to Tommy what happens when you go to the airport. And since no one had explained it to him, even before them, he was confused when they got to the airport.

Arriving at the airport at 3am for a 5am flight, everyone was only half awake. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were all wearing pjs still. But to be fair Wilbur and Techno weren't much better with their sweat pants and sweaters. Phil was the only normal dressed one, in some jeans and a sweatshirt.

Techno was going through the airport with a mask on his face, covering his feeding tube for the most part. The remaining section of his tube was tucked behind his ear, and he was wearing his hair down so it was mostly hidden. He had a pre-check as well, so he wouldn't have to go through the big scanner when it came time.

The rest of them did have to go through the big scanner. This was confusing for Tommy as they walked through the sections roped off for the security line.

"What are we doing?" Tommy asked as they walked through. Phil looked over at him as they walked.

"Oh wait, I forgot. This is called airport security, this is where they're gonna scan our backpacks and us. We have to take off our shoes and coats and step through this metal scanner." Phil explained as they walked up to the id desk.

"Morning folks." The worker at the desk smiled, there were light yawns and sleepy good mornings thrown back at him. "Can I see all the tickets and all the ids please?" He asked and Phil nodded.

Phil, being the responsible adult here, was the one who had all the ids and tickets. He passed them all forward where the worker began to look them over, matching tickets to ids. He paused at one, looking at an id and then looking at the ticket.

"Uh, which one of you is Tommy?" He asked and Tommy felt his heart rate go up. He raised his hand gently from where he stood between Wilbur and Ranboo. "Tommy, what's your full name?"

"Tommy Watson." Tommy answered softly and he nodded, looking back down at the items in his hand.

"Your boarding pass says Tommy Watson, but your id says Thomas Shroud. So these don't match." The worker says, frowning as he looks at them.

"Oh, Tommy is my adopted son, he was adopted about a month ago and we haven't changed his id since that point." Phil explained quickly. The security guard looked Phil up and down before looking Tommy up and down.

"Is there any way you can prove you're his legal guardian?" He asked and Phil nodded, quickly pulling out his phone and pulling up a scanned file from it. He handed it over to the guard and let him read it over.

"Alright. I'll let you go, but I suggest for your next flight to change the name on the ticket to match until you can get his new id." The guard said handing back all the tickets and ids. They all let out a group sigh and were able to move forward.

"I got really scared there, I thought they weren't going to let Tommy go through." Wilbur admitted and Phil nodded.

"Me too. I knew I was forgetting something when it came to Tommy. Okay well Techno, you go over to the right. The rest of us are going straight forward." Phil said and Techno gave a small nod, going to another line on the right.

"Why is he going over there?" Tommy asked quickly and Phil looked over at him.

"Because of his tube he can't go through the big scanner, so he's going through a smaller scanner." Phil explained as they got up to the belt. "Okay Tommy, shoes off, coat off, backpack off and all of it goes on the belt. Nothing in your pockets either." Phil explained, Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo already starting to do all of these things.

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