Chapter 14

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Tw for this chapter: Suicide, self harm

"You're shitting me." Wilbur said, standing up. Ranboo looked him dead in the eyes before shaking his head. "What was his last name?" Wilbur continues.

"Montgomery" Ranboo said shortly, wanting to know what this was about.

"Is this some sort of sick joke? Were you listening in some sort of sessions, did Dr. Simon tell you, did you snoop through files?" Wilbur accused, Ranboo sat there even more confused.

"Wil." Phil said shortly, but when Wilbur turned to look at his father they both had tears filling his eyes. "I know you're feeling a lot of emotions right now but accusing people of breaking the law to find out information is not okay. There's easier ways to find out things okay?" Phil said, trying to keep his son calm. Wilbur nodded but didn't sit down until Techno's arm found his shoulder and he was guided down.

"I'm sorry." Wilbur mumbled softly as gentle tears fell from his eyes. Ranboo half shrugged, he was just more confused than anything out.

"Ranboo can I ask you some questions?" Phil asks gently and Ranboo nodded. "What's your last name? Or at least your legal last name that you share with Tubbo and his parents."

"Beloved." Ranboo stated again shortly, and Phil nodded. Wilbur turned to Techno and looked him in the eyes. Techno extended his arms open, a silent invitation for a hug that Wilbur gladly accepted.

"When his caseworker called that was the last name of the house hold that was fostering him." Phil said softly, more to Techno and Wilbur than to Ranboo. Ranboo did turn his head sideways in confusion.

"Dad I don't think he knows." Techno said softly, speaking for the first time in a while. Phil nods and turns to Ranboo.

"A while ago, about a year ago we had a foster son here. It was the first foster kid we had since I adopted Techno and Wilbur years ago. He was here for a month and we all got very attached, and then he left. That was Liam." Phil explains carefully and it clicks in Ranboo's brain, his eyes also filling with tears.

"Wait so, the foster kid who killed himself at our house was a foster kid in this house hold?" Ranboo clarifies, Phil nods. "Holy shit, I'm sorry but holy shit. That's, holy fuck." Ranboo says, rambling out as he tries to process the information. The other three chuckle softly at what he said, each making an attempt to wipe away their tears.

"So we know you from group therapy and we had the same foster kid in our houses." Techno jokes lightly and Ranboo nods still processing the information.

"Holy shit." Ranboo mumbles, putting his head on the table. The whole event with Liam felt like it happened yesterday.


Ranboo and Tubbo came from school, it was a Thursday and one of those last warm days as the fall drew near. Liam had a doctors appointment so he didn't go with them to school that day.

Walking inside the house they heard the shower running, they thought nothing of it. That was until they reached the kitchen and saw the water starting to drip through the ceiling.

Ranboo ran upstairs while Tubbo stayed downstairs, getting towels and pots to help collect the water that had fallen and was still falling.

Ranboo ran up the stairs as fast as he could, to the only bathroom on the upstairs floor. He knocked several times but got no answer. He tried the handle but it was locked. Where was Liam?

"Tubbo check if Liam is downstairs anywhere!" Ranboo yelled over the banister of the stairs.

"What?" Tubbo called back, not hearing Ranboo entirely.

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