Chapter 57

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Tw for this chapter: Talk of past abuse, talk of past self harm, talk of mommy issues, mention of gun, talk of jail, talk of blood clean up.

Four days went by before they heard anything about Phil. Four days before they heard back from Puffy about what she found out. It was horrible and stressful during those four days.

But Phil was found guilty.

On one charge. Assaults.

He was found not guilty on the charges of illegal firearm and child endangerment.

The finger prints on the gun weren't Phil's, neither the prints on the box.

So after a 15,000 dollar fine Phil was allowed to go home, meaning Tommy was allowed to go home.

Tommy arrived before Phil did, so Tommy first hugged Techno and Wilbur, who he had not seen in 6 days. Then he hugged Storm tightly, ignoring when she was trying to squirm out of his arms.

But when the front door opened Tommy let go of her as Phil walked in. All three of them jumped up off the couch, Wilbur and Tommy hugging Phil tightly.

"Hello boys." Phil smiled as he did his best to wrap his hands over the tall teens. He looked over to Techno, who was standing off to the side, looking degusted. "You okay Tech?"

"You smell bad." Techno comments, not making any movement to step forward. Tommy then realized how Phil smelt, metallic and like cleaner. Tommy gagged and pulled away. Wilbur also pulled back at the same.

"Oh shit I should have realized. I'm so sorry." Phil apologizes at once and Wilbur laughs slightly.

"We truly just jumped right on you. That's kinda on us. But can you go shower please? Not trying to be rude." Wilbur asks softly and Phil nodded, understanding that he didn't smell all that good.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." Phil promises and they all nod. Phil leaves the room and the boys go back to sitting on the couch.

"Why did he smell so metallic?" Tommy asked and Wilbur frowned.

"At the jail they clean things often, because people get into fights and stuff. So they use cleaners that smell awful." Wilbur explains lightly. Tommy nodded and looked at his phone, which had just buzzed from a text that Tubbo sent.

Techno shot Wilbur a look, knowing the only reason why he knew that was from the one time he visited his mom long ago before she killed herself. Wilbur didn't meet Techno's eyes.

Soon Phil was back downstairs, smelling better in a pair of pjs.

"Alright all better." Phil smiled and Techno nodded, standing up and hugging his father. "I'm so sorry what happened guys. I shouldn't have done what I did at the funeral and that started this whole mess. I am so sorry." Phil apologizes.

"It's okay. We're all okay now. House was a bit of a mess but Techno and I cleaned to the best of our abilty, other than the stain there." Wilbur explained, looking down at the stain that was still covered with a towel. Tommy, who was closer to it, lifted the towel and looked at it.

He didn't say anything as he stood up and went to the kitchen, returning later with cleaning supplies.

"Don't know why you didn't mention this sooner." Tommy mumbled but Techno pulled away from Phil and looked at Tommy.

"Because you don't need to do stuff like that all the time. And you just got home Tommy." Techno discourages but Tommy just shrugs as he continues to clean the spot.

"Alright, alright. Let's just try to keep calm and have a normal week okay? Just a normal week where everything isn't crazy. What do you guys have this week?" Phil asked as he sat down on the couch, Techno sitting on the other couch.

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