Chapter 22

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Tw for this chapter: Panic attack, self harm, restraining, fighting and blood/clean up of blood, suicide jokes, mention of death.

"Okay, can you sit up?" Techno asked softly and Wilbur nodded, sitting up carefully on the floor.

"Here I'll shake it and stuff you just breathe in okay?" Tommy said, shaking Wilbur's inhaler before putting it in his mouth. He pushed the button and Wilbur inhaled.

"Can we talk about what just happened?" Techno asked softly after a moment of them just sitting there.

"I don't know." Wilbur admits softly, his voice nearly gone from the fact that he just screamed for almost an hour straight.

"What?" Phil questioned softly, he was still sitting down by Wilbur's feet. Wilbur looked up fully to look him in the eyes, as he did so he curled up and brought his knees to his chest. "You were upset and you came in here and you were mad about things and you punched the wall and then you had a breakdown." Phil rushes out, confused on how someone could just forget that.

"I remember everything up to I talked about my mom." Wilbur mumbled softly, putting his chin to his knees. Phil nodded, Wilbur hadn't really talked about his mom before today. And all he said today was about how he didn't kill her, but still felt bad for her death.

"Well Phil called for Techno, I came too. You were having a panic attack, so I ran to get your inhaler. In that time Tech tried to calm you down but you still freaked out, clawed at your face and punched Tech in the stomach for kneeing him in the nose. Tech then tackled you and we held you down as you screamed for an hour." Tommy explains, like it was no big deal. Wilbur felt his heart drop and a lump in the back of his throat rise.

"What?" Wilbur breathed out and he looked at Techno, clearly for the first time. Techno's nose was a little red and swollen, blood that was now dried having poured out of it. "Shit Tech I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Wilbur blurts out, feeling tears prickle at his eyes.

"Hey no Wilbur it's okay, you didn't mean it." Techno rushes to say but Wilbur shakes his head as he begins to cry more.

"I said I wouldn't hurt anyone again! I don't wanna hurt people!" Wilbur sobs, clearly going back into breakdown mode.

"Wilbur can I touch you?" Techno asks and Wilbur nods as he sobs more. Techno pulled him into a hug, holding him as he sobbed.

"I don't want to hurt people that's how I'll get sent back!" Wilbur sobbed more and Tommy looked over to Phil, confused on what that meant.


"He got into a fight with other kids." The principle sighed, he was standing behind his chair and Phil, who was sitting down, turned his head to look at Wilbur. Wilbur sat there, not looking at Phil. He had a black eye and a busted lip. Phil turned back to look at the man.

"Why?" Phil asked and the principle stopped pacing around slightly, giving him an odd look that Phil couldn't recognize.

"What do you mean why?" He questioned and it was Phil's turn to give him a confused look.

"Why was he fighting other kids? There must have been a reason." Phil said simply and the principle gave him another odd look. It was the truth, Wilbur has a distaste for violence.

"Mr. Watson, you do realize that with him getting into fights he could be sent back into foster care, regardless of why he was fighting." That sentence struck fear into Wilbur. Wilbur's leg began to bounce and he looked towards the ground, tears already filling his eyes.

He couldn't be taken away from Phil and Techno, they were all he had. He didn't want to go back into foster care and back into houses that didn't care about him. He didn't want to, couldn't, do that again.

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