Chapter 37

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Tw for this chapter: Disassociation, talk of injuries

That night everyone went to bed early, no one really speaking to each other.

The next morning only offered early risers and soft apologizes from Wilbur and Techno. Their injuries weren't that deep so there was no true anger that was to be held onto.

Wilbur had a cut on his lip and a bruise on his jaw. Techno had a bruise on his jaw, bruises on his shoulders and neck from when he was slammed into the bookshelf, but none of it hurt.

So the apologizes were short but meaningful. They also said to Phil that they would all talk after the holidays, and talk about everything.

By the time Tommy came downstairs it was like things were back to semi normal. So they began to finish up more things for the Christmas Eve party that was later that night.

The same people who came during Thanksgiving were coming tonight, plus a few extras. Some how their house had become the meeting zone for holidays now, but Phil didn't mind. It kept them happy and brought them together.

Around Noon Tommy was sweeping the kitchen when he heard a knock at the door, confused since no one was supposed to be there till 5, he answered the door and saw Ranboo and Tubbo there.

"Oh, hi." Tommy greets, still slightly confused. That was until Phil came to the door as well.

"I invited Ranboo and Tubbo over so you guys could spend some extra time together before tonight. Since most of the stuff is done you guys can just hang out in your room." Phil smiled.

"Oh okay." Tommy smiled and Tubbo and Ranboo stepped inside. They both had bags in their hands.

"Okay I need to put this two down somewhere for tonight, Phil?" Tubbo asked and Phil pointed to a table that they had gotten out of the garage and moved to the living room.

"Let's head up." Ranboo smiled to Tommy. Tommy just nodded and both of them walked up, Tubbo staying behind for a moment.

"How is he?" Tubbo asked softly as soon as he heard Tommy's door upstairs close.

"Still the same as I told you guys over the phone. He's trying to figure out what happened and he's a bit on edge. Thank you for understanding with that. I know it wouldn't be easy to have your best friend ignore you for a month." Phil said softly and Tubbo gave him a smile.

"Tommy has been there for us when we needed someone, and he's been nothing but nice. I know he wouldn't ignore us unless something was wrong, and something was wrong." Tubbo explained and Phil smiled back.

"Hopefully things can be better soon, but who knows." Phil sighs.

"It'll be okay. Next time things seem off though, let us know sooner." Tubbo jokes and Phil laughs.

"Alright I will. You better head up there. By the way, I know Tommy doesn't remember this but he got gifts for you two, it's hidden on the top shelf of his closet." Phil smiles and Tubbo nodded, heading up the stairs to Tommy's room.

"There's Tubbo." Ranboo smiles as Tubbo walks in. Tommy was sitting on the bed as Ranboo sat on the floor. Tubbo took a spot next to Tommy.

"Yes hello, just needed to put gifts on the table." Tubbo smiled and Ranboo nodded, both of them turning to Tommy.

"How are you Tommy?" Ranboo asks and Tommy looks at him like he was nervous.

"I'm okay. I guess." Tommy shrugs lightly, and they saw him start to nibble on his lip.

"Okay, gonna be honest here big man, we know about the last month and what happened. We're not mad okay?" Tubbo says and Tommy visibly sighs.

"Okay I'm sorry. I was going to reach out to you and tell you but I didn't know how and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a shit friend during all that but I obviously couldn't help it and I'm sorry." Tommy rants and Ranboo chuckles.

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