Chapter 17

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Tw for this chapter: Vomit, medicine, mention of past abuse, mention of death.

"Shit, Dad!" Techno called out. Tommy looked up at him with sad tear filled eyes. He had woken up sick, threw up without truly thinking and was now freaking out.

"No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get sick I'm sorry! Don't wanna get hurt!" Tommy sobbed and Techno felt his heart break a bit. How much more could Techno take of Tommy's past coming through and making him feel so bad for the boy.

"No Tommy you won't get hurt I promise." Techno tried to say softly but the boy did not stop shaking and crying. "Dad!" Techno called again. Phil ran in and saw Tommy, next to the pile of vomit.

"Oh Tommy!" Phil exclaimed and he moved forward to look at Tommy, when he got close he stuck out his hand and Tommy flinched. But instead of hitting him, Phil put it to Tommy's forehead carefully. "I think he's sick, his head is really hot." Phil says to Techno.

"I could go get the thermostat." Techno offered and Phil nodded. Techno ran out of his room and to the bathroom, grabbing the head touch thermostat (Techno refused to have the one they stick under their tongues) and he returned to his room.

"Here Tommy this is gonna press to your head okay?" Phil said softly, and Tommy just nodded through his tears. He was having a breakdown, which was turning into a disassociation episode.

Right now Tommy felt like he was back under the ladies care, and she was taking his temperature while Liam stood in the doorway, watching over him. If Tommy wasn't crying he would try to talk to Liam, but all he could do was sob.

"He has a fever. Let's get him to the bathroom for a bath to help cool down, some medicine, and I'll clean this in here." Phil said and Techno nodded, thankful that Phil was taking over the vomit clean up. If it was up to Techno he would probably have thrown up and started crying too.

"Tommy we're gonna get you to the bath alright? It'll help you feel better." Techno said and Tommy just nodded, Liam was gonna help him to the bath.

Techno hooked Tommy under his knees and back and lifted him up, bringing him to the bathroom. He sat Tommy on the counter and turned around to turn on the bath. He made it fairly cold to help with the fever, but he did add some bubbles.

"Okay Tommy, I'm going to leave. Can you undress and hop in? Then I'll be back? I am going to grab the medicine." Techno said and Tommy, who was slowing his crying now that he knew he wasn't going to be punished, nodded and reached for the hem of his shirt. Liam was just going to grab medicine, it was going to be alright.

By the time Techno returned from retrieving the medicine Tommy was in the bath, leaning his head back against the cool tile, bubbles hiding anything that Techno should not see. Techno smiled softly and walked over to Tommy, bending down to his level.

"Here Tommy, put this in your mouth, and here's some water." Techno instructed, holding out the pile to Tommy. Tommy just opened up his mouth and Techno rolled his eyes, not dropping the smile. He put the medicine in his mouth, raising the cup of water. Tommy drank from it and leaned his head back again.

Techno put the cup down and stood up again. He left the bathroom and returned moments later, plastic cup in hand. He kneeled down by the tub and filled up the plastic cup, pouring it over Tommy's chest and neck.

"Feels good." Tommy mumbled, eyes closed like they had been since he got in the tub.

"Yeah? Can I wash your hair?" Techno asks and Tommy nods, leaning forward but leaning his head back. Liam was going to wash his hair.

Techno carefully washed Tommy's hair, being gentle with the boy as to not scare him in this state. Tommy was putting a lot of trust into him and he didn't want to ruin it. Tommy honestly was content, Liam was pretty good at washing hair.

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